Jeffrey has just published his book, Embodying Light, and has permitted us to take some excerpts from it in future.
Add Jeffrey’s voice to Sarah White’s yesterday and all the others who have come and are coming forward to demonstrate the shift in consciousness happening. (Look at that face!)
Still as a mountain lake
Still as a mountain lake.
Observing non-judgmentally,
the Divine play of maya.
Neti, neti, neti.
Still as a mountain lake.
Another thought cloud,
reflecting in the lake.
Neti, neti, neti.
Still as a mountain lake.
Neti, neti, neti.
The mountain lake dissolves,
leaving nothing.
Maya = Illusion, the world; the Divine Mother is Mahamaya, the Master Illusionist
Neti = [I am, God is] Not this
Steve: Embodying Light is available at Amazon. See
Jeffrey writes:
For other voices, see The Power of Love and Truth at