4/24/24 From Beloved Metatron
Greetings Beloved Ones
The time has come to begin integrating the higher aspects of you
In meditation ask to integrate the next level of your higher self
It is a gradual process
Be patient and let it unfold
Know all is in Divine timing
Be gentle with yourself and rest
Walk in nature with love and grace
And reverence for all
4/26/24 From Beloved Melchizedek
Greetings Beloved Ones
The days grow short until we speak with you directly
In the days and weeks ahead your Galactic brothers and sisters will become more visible on planet Earth
There is much excitement in the heavens that this decision has finally been reached
Look to the night skies for light shows by your brothers and sisters
The likes of which you have not seen before
The human collective unity consciousness has agreed they are ready
Let the adventure begin
4/29/24 From Beloved Sananda
Greetings Beloved Ones
Allow the flow of the Creator to flow through you
Let there be no judgment
Only love
Each one has their own journey and their own lesson plan
Assist then if you can when asked
Send them love and compassion
Be ever vigil of thought word and deed
The ability to manifest instantly will soon be the order of the day
Be wise in your choices
4/30/24 From Beloved Quan Yin
Greetings Beloved Ones
The days grow shorter
Time speeds up until there is only the now
The illusion of time separated you from the Oneness of the Creator
In your new awareness you become One with all of Creation
The expansion begins in this awareness to integrate your multidimensional Being
The many aspects of you on a grand scale
Many will find this an exhilarating and awesome experience
Others will choose differently
Honor their choices
Each ones contract is unique
Be the Love be the compassion for human kind
The power of love knows no bounds
5/1/24 From Beloved Sananda
Greetings Beloved Ones
Allow the Higher light of who you are to come forth into your magnificent body
It is time to access this knowledge and wisdom
This will serve you in the days and weeks ahead
It will be a gradual influx of information
Do not hurry the process
Allow it to the flow with ease and grace
Be assured this is the next step in your grand expansion