(Continued from Part 3, yesterday.)
What words of reassurance do you have as we survey what lies ahead?
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The dark Ones continue with their evil plan for world domination, which is limited, and in fact they can no longer achieve their objectives.
However, they would rather try to destroy everything than admit defeat. Be assured that that will not happen as greater forces than theirs are looking after the destiny of the world and its people. It has been so for eons of time although the dark Ones have had freedom to carry out their plans. They can only be thwarted by those of the Light opposing them.
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It is the Rule of the Laws laid down by the Higher Forces overseeing the destiny of Mother Earth and its people. It may seem at times that the dark Ones have a free reign to do whatever they like, but it is not so as there are limitations to their actions based on the overall situation. …
Every soul will eventually find its right place and proceed to grow and evolve at lightning speed. You have so much to look forward to if you did but know it. So do not be disillusioned by present events as these will soon pass. You were chosen to be present at such a time because of your experience and ability to adapt and still help others to find the Light. (1)
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Do not be deceived by the fear that is being created all around you, there is a happy ending to come when the old Age will no longer have any influence over you. There is so much happiness and joy to come when the vibrations are lifted, and all that is not of the Light left to follow its own path.
Another cycle will once again give all souls the opportunity to rise up as none are destined to remain in the dark forever. Think positively and let those who refuse the Light follow their chosen path in accordance with the freewill given you. The Light will always be supreme and is always there for all souls regardless. (2)
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: We commend you for your fortitude and determination to succeed regardless of the obstacles placed in your path. Working together we assure you that your efforts will be rewarded and your journey made as smooth as possible.
We have knowledge well beyond your present understanding and it will be used as and when applicable. Together we are a force to be reckoned with, that will not yield to the tactics used by the dark Ones. (3)
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What Lies Ahead? R2Footnotes
(1) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for Nov. 24, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/11/24/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-nov-24-2023/.
(2) Ibid.,” Feb. 16, 2024 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/02/16/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-feb-16-2024/
(3) Ibid., April 12, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/04/12/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-april-12-2024/.