Ibn Arabi: “To know God is not an easy matter, until one becomes a knower of one’s self.” (1) Al-Ghazzali: “He who knows himself knows God.” (2) The illusory, apparently-individuated entity known as the “Self” is like a Babushka doll. Whatever its original form might have been, that’s the largest of the dolls. And we […]
What are Some Obsolete Belief Systems?
The Arcturian Group: “Many long accepted beliefs are changing or even disappearing through the presence of the increasingly intense high frequency energy now pouring to earth. These energies are exposing the underlying error of much that has long been accepted as truth and reality. “Those who have lived lives dependent upon one particular belief system […]
Jeffrey Scott Pears: Still as a Mountain Lake
Jeffrey has just published his book, Embodying Light, and has permitted us to take some excerpts from it in future. Add Jeffrey’s voice to Sarah White’s yesterday and all the others who have come and are coming forward to demonstrate the shift in consciousness happening. (Look at that face!) Still as a mountain lake Still […]
New-Age Spiritual Philosophy (Repost and Download)
I couldn’t be happier than when compiling a book. The latest is an update and revision of Grandeur Beyond Grandeur that saw it expand from big to huge. I therefore divided it into four volumes. I’ve completed Volume 1 and release it here, along with an article from it, which I particularly enjoyed. I hope […]
A Day with the Non-Dual
Part of my work as a communicator, according to Michael, is to work for human unity. I’ve had a whole morning of human unity I’d like to share, which then progressed into a process of re-choosing the path of the lightworker rather than the lightholder. I can’t remember the sequence of events, but it all […]
Feeling Loving, Blissful, and Ecstatic is an Inside Job
If it’s all about how we feel, as I believe it is for us humans, then what am I doing, in a take-charge manner, to see that I feel my best (as defined by me)? No, I don’t mean anything external. I’d like to keep our attention on the internal. It doesn’t cost anything and […]
Access to Divine Mother Unprecedented
I’d like to repeat a conversation in which the Divine Mother confirms for me a really basic aspect of Reality. I do so to underline the fact that we today have unprecedented access to her through numerous mediums. This has never happened in the history of the world. That alone should be a proof of […]
Life is Open-Ended
My chemistry teacher taught me never to say never. Always leave room for doubt, error, new perspectives, additional information. Life is open-ended. My ongoing namaste to him has been to use the word “etc.” a great deal, to convey this open-endedness. It acknowledges just what he said – that I could be wrong, more knowledge […]
Reducing the One through Comparison
Any metaphor a writer uses for the One runs the risk of the reader reducing the One to the object of the comparison. If I say the One is lawless, you may immediately see a Western movie black-hat gunslinger. How useful is that to the “knower” of the unknowable? It might trigger a realization if […]
Jesus: I Speak Not as the Man But as the Light
I’m quietly proofreading Towards a Cross Cultural Spirituality and, in the course of it, came across this pivotal description by Jesus of his relationship to the Light that is the Christ. In his various “I am” statements in the gospels, he acknowledges here that he is speaking as the Light rather than as Jesus the […]
New Way of Thinking of the Heart
I’d like to wave a magic wand and change the way we think about the heart. At present we think of it as a closed structure – a box, a treasure chest, a throne room, etc. It has that aspect, but I’d like us to imagine it in a different way, for what it produces. […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 4
(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.) (3) Devote yourself to the Real. We’ve developed our powers of discrimination and used them now to discern what is untrue and unreal. And we’ve detached ourselves from any attachment to these things. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually we now devote ourselves to – in the case of lightworkers – the […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 3
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.) (2) Detach from the unreal. After identifying one thing after another that’s not true or real, we gradually lose our taste altogether for many things that used to excite us. Foods we’ve always loved, drinks, locations, activities – now we find all of our tastes changing and much of the […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) (1) Discriminate between the Real and the unreal. As was revealed to me in a vision on Feb. 13, 1987, the purpose of life is for us to realize who we are. (1) Before I turn to discrimination proper, I’d like to look at life’s purpose. If we only want […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 1
I’ve been putting off writing this article for some time but I now feel the time has arrived. There’s such chaos outside that I need to clarify for myself my basic values, to remind myself what course I want to steer. To do that, I’d like to describe a spiritual path that derives from Hinduism. […]