I’m quietly proofreading Towards a Cross Cultural Spirituality and, in the course of it, came across this pivotal description by Jesus of his relationship to the Light that is the Christ.
In his various “I am” statements in the gospels, he acknowledges here that he is speaking as the Light rather than as Jesus the man.
Is the Light the Christ? Well, actually, it turns out it’s beyond the Christ.
Nevertheless Christians know it as the Christ and Savior; Hindus call it the Self and the Atman; Buddhists, the buddha nature and our original face; Zoroastrians, Fire the Son of the Lord, etc.
“Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 16, 2012,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/ascension-as-of-2012/the-masters-speak/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-with-jesus-jan-16-2012/.
Steve Beckow: Jan Ruusbroec in the Middle Ages once described the Christ, and he said this:
“In this darkness an incomprehensible Light is born and shines forth; this is the Son of God in whom a person becomes able to see and contemplate eternal life.”
“It is Christ, the Light of truth, who says, ‘See,’ and it is through him that we are able to see, for he is the Light of the Father, without which there is no light in heaven or on earth.”
Is that Light indeed the Christ in its essential form?
Jesus: It is the Christed Light, yes, you are correct. In its fullest form.
SB: It’d be such an important thing for me if you could discuss your relationship to that Light. Were you embodying it in the fullest manner? Was that your role or mission? Or what was your relationship to the Christ?
J: That has always been the fullness of my mission, in whatever form I have taken. I am the Light that burst forth. I am the Light that came from the heart of One, from the heart of God. And my purpose in all this relationship was to simply ignite not only what has been referred to as Heaven and Earth, but far beyond.
If you look to my essence, dear friend, all you will see is Light. That is all there is. And it can assume relationship, and after relationship it can assume various forms. The Light was beyond the Christ Light. (1) Can you think of it as a tiering? It was an implosion, explosion of Light, and it has never changed. And it will never change.
SB: And when you say, “I am the Light,” who is “I am”? Are you speaking as Jesus, or are you speaking as the Christ, as the Light?
J: No, I am speaking as the Light. The Light that then transfers into the Christ Light, that then transfers into the being that you, sitting here this night, call Jesus. But you were asking about my essence.
SB: I am. Is that Light that became the Christ, is that the Father?
J: Think of it as a replication of the Father. It did not take away from the Source. It just expanded it. It is part of the infinite extension of creation. It is not born the way you think. It is just an explosion of Light, that is.
SB: And that is not the Holy Spirit you’re describing?
J: That is the feminine. And when that also explodes, it becomes the Light. And I am that blend.
(1) ” The Light that then transfers into the Christ Light, that then transfers into the being that you, sitting here this night, call Jesus.”
“The Light” is the soul or Self, one remove from the Father. The Christ Light I imagine is the Light of the Seventh Dimension, the dimension of Christ love and Christ consciousness. This is also the dimension of the Oversoul.
“I am the Light that came from the heart of One, from the heart of God. … You were asking about my essence.” If this is so, and I’m sure it is, Jesus can justifiably say that he has come from the Father. Now we have affirmative evidence of if.
These are remarkable disclosures from Jesus both in what they affirm and in what they correct.