It seems as if the polls are playing an ever-more important role in political decision-making. I believe they were important in “Joe Biden” deciding to close the show. They seem to be being used on an almost daily basis now by the two political camps. Maybe that’s always been the case. And maybe it’s also […]
Applied Spirituality: Taking a Stand
This time is shaping up to be, not so much one in which we study and absorb, but one in which we apply what we’ve learned of and from spirituality, wherever there is social chaos. This may be a time of applied spirituality. How do we do that? Let me make some suggestions if you […]
How Do We Handle Depravity? – Part 3/3
(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.) Weathering the Storm Meanwhile, we have to weather the storm before discussing how to live at the experiential level. We’ve got to get through the emergency first. To do that, we need to release, express, give voice to our feelings. Scream into a pillow, write stream-of-consciousness, share with a […]
From Prague with Love
Ouch! The truth hurts….
We can Choose to be Audacious
Werner Erhard at We can choose to be audacious enough to take responsibility for the entire human family. We can choose to make our love for the world be what our lives are really about. Each of us now has the opportunity, the privilege, to make a difference in creating a world that works […]
Cognitive Dissonance Dispelled
This is a deep stretch of cognitive dissonance I’m going through and it bears looking at because many of us may find ourselves in a similar circumstance at some point. I’m knee-deep in editing a manual on restorative listening so perhaps I can also ask for your listening here to help me process and release […]
Freediver Stig Pryds: Breathing for Healing Auto-immune Disorder
Stig Pryds is a Danish record holding freediver. He was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in 2008, which disabled him so much that he lost his business. After 5 years of intense pain and increasing dependency on drugs, he decided to quit all drugs cold turkey, and find alternative ways to deal with his disease. He […]
Seeing How I Be
You know, I don’t know how I would have made it this lifetime if I did not treat each event as a learning experience. If I didn’t sense at some level that all of this is moving towards some grand culmination. If I didn’t know, at some place in my being, that things could be […]
The End of the Road
On Nov. 7, 2020, the Divine Mother gave us our mission: “This Pause gives you the time, the critical time, to go deeply within your heart and truly examine what lies there. This Pause that I give you gives the time to be the observer. You have done the participant; now be the observer and […]
Angels of Change
I will be away Nov. 2 through 4. Suzi is sitting in for me. We are the angels of change. (1) We are pathfinders, wayshowers, paradigm busters, explorers and builders. How do we manage change? I’ve spoken at some length on one way I do it, which is to establish a beachhead of understanding, a […]
Patterned Responses as Phantoms
I’m buoyed up to hear how much time Patricia Cota-Robles gave to purification because, for me, that yields the most welcome and beneficial results among things I can do while waiting for Godot. On the awareness path, what that waiting means is to watch and pay particular attention to things that are taking me in […]
Escape from Adulthood: OK, That’s Enough of That
Clearly my personality survives intact in some way, shape or form. I don’t know what the road ahead holds. I can only report. What I report now arises from my practice, on the path of awareness, of maintaining awareness of myself. I detected a pattern. I was people-pleasing. I was complimenting someone on a coat […]
I Feel Fully Self-Expressed
Would you allow me a personal reflection for a moment? I live in a paradoxical situation where my readers know more about me than most of my friends. I don’t mean this as a criticism. It makes sense. Local conversation might go like, “What did you do today?” And I reply with a litany of […]
Giving Nature Human Rights, Law of the Land
Huck: The Activists Fighting to Give Nature Human Rights, Law of the Land By Poppy Koronka, Huck, September 25th, 2020 Pollution levels are rising once again after reaching a record low in lockdown. Could rights of nature legislation prevent impending catastrophe? In April, with half of humanity in lockdown, pollution dropped to unprecedented levels. […]
Matthew on Introspection
I’d like to draw attention to what Matthew Ward said recently: “Intensifying light during the aforementioned period offers an ideal opportunity to set positive intentions for personal growth. Go into your heart space—as God said, ‘The heart is the seat of the soul’—and if introspection shows residue of anxiety, self-doubt, judgments or discouragement, letting go […]