I find, generally and overall, that my pace is slowing down a mite. I feel more philosophical, more meditative. I’ve dropped many bad habits and negative thoughts. Just dropped them, with nothing to replace them. And by doing so I’ve created space. And in that space I’m feeling more philosophical. In-drawn. Walking very slowly. And […]
Soul Conversation to the Human Collective for Peace
SOUL CONVERSATION to the Human Collective for Peace Please Know I Love You with All of My Heart. Let me tell You of My Honouring, of My Knowing That All of You & I are Here to be Peaceful, Gentle, Graceful Together. I Have All the Confidence in the World in Us, in our Abilities, […]
Yes: What Does Accountability Look Like Without Punishment?
This isn’t necessarily easy work, because vengeance can feel good, and accountability, forgiveness, and growth can be painful, but that doesn’t make the work any less worthwhile. By exploring and engaging the different choices, we open ourselves up to the possibility of a world where our so-called justice system isn’t built around the worst-case scenario. […]
Yes Magazine: “This is Not Our First Pandemic”
Native communities share heritage ways to live and care for each other during this latest pandemic. (Especially interesting are their peacemaking circles.) The political and social cacophony of recent years has drowned out expressions of compassion and unity. If we listen carefully, we can hear the rational, gracious, intensely determined voices of the nation’s First […]
Matt Kahn: The Gift of A Smile
(email) A smile is an offering of goodwill as the spark of Divine energy in two people pulls back the curtain of perception to remember the light dwelling in all. A smile is a subconscious ethical agreement, exchanging the ways society interacts with strangers to the openness of engagement, now that eyes have made direct […]
John Pavlovitz: An Open Letter to Those Who Still Give a Damn
(Originally published JULY 21, 2018) John Pavlovitz, https://tinyurl.com/y5tc85rq It’s exhausting to give a damn isn’t it? To be a person of compassion in a time when compassion is in such great demand? To wake up every day in days like these, and push back against predatory politicians and toxic systems and human rights atrocities and […]
The Longer Wave Pattern Creates Rejuvenation, Gentleness on Gaia
www.voiceoffreedom.ca Surrendering to Love, with forgiveness, compassion and gratitude for the past, we are reassuring our ego — we are relaxing — and the vibrations in our fields expand. According to Ashira (1) Commander of the United Forces of the Outer Galaxies, UFOG when we think of our time-line in terms of a ruler, we, […]
“Operation Wheelchair” in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
The historic heart of Vancouver is our Downtown Eastside (DTES). One of our oldest neighbourhoods, it is home to many low-income residents. Here people volunteer, contributing countless hours to help improve the community, working for social justice. The residents of the Downtown Eastside struggle with complex challenges including the overdose crisis, escalating crime connected to […]
Tara, Marianne, Eckhart, Pluto & 🌈 Rainbows
www.voiceoffreedom.ca Thank you to all the wonderful enlightened beings, masters among us, sending out messages of hope. Tara, Marianne, Eckhart and even Pluto, the dog, are lifting spirits around the world. And for the rainbows! Thank you to the children painting rainbows on windows. Yay for our Gaian community! Tara Brach Marianne Williamson […]
Maria Shriver’s Newsletter: I’ve Been Thinking. . .
This is a time when “heart-based leadership” is critical and we’re each capable of being those kinds of leaders and healers for each other. I’ve Been Thinking… Maria Shriver’s Weekly Newsletter by email, March 15, 2020 Maria’s site is: https://mariashriver.com/sundaypaper/ “We would like the country to realize that as a nation we can’t be doing […]
Calling Meditators: “Gentle” Rain for California!
Excerpt from: Slow-moving storm brings much-needed rain to Southern California By Brandon Buckingham, AccuWeather, March 10, 2020 https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/return-of-wet-weather As of 5 a.m. PDT Tuesday, March 10, 2020, Oceanside, California, had received 0.83 of an inch of rain from the new storm with nearly 0.75 of an inch falling well inland at Palm Springs, California. The […]
RAIN Meditation with Tara Brach
By Tara Brach, January 14, 2020 Tara Brach helps break a trail through the dense forest of anxiety with the practice of RAIN, how to exercise deep compassion for self, and therefore others. Here’s one of Tara’s RAIN Meditations. It’s one of the most profound meditations I’ve ever done. Tara Brach is also hosting a […]
A Toast To The New Year And Nova Earth
A dear friend, a member of the Bellingham meet-up group, wrote this toast. I thought it was so beautiful I asked permission to share it here for all of us who consider ourselves members of the family at The Golden Age of Gaia. Let me propose a toast, as we come together in this sacred […]
Quan Yin ~ Compassion Versus Pity/Self-Pity
Quan Yin ~ Compassion versus Pity/Self-Pity https://counciloflove.com/2019/11/quan-yin-compassion-versus-pity-self-pity/ A fabulous channelled gem shared by Kathleen [not Willis] from her recent personal reading with Linda Dillon. Quan Yin: Greetings, I am Quan Yin. Kathleen: Hi, Quan Yin! QY: Welcome, for, yes, you have beckoned to me as I have beckoned to you. Understand, sweet one, that we […]
Scientists Show How Gratitude Literally Alters The Human Heart & Molecular Structure of the Brain
By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, February 14, 2019 https://www.collective-evolution.com/2019/02/14/scientists-show-how-gratitude-literally-alters-the-human-heart-molecular-structure-of-the-brain/ IN BRIEF The Facts: Scientists have discovered that feelings of gratitude can actually change your brain. Feeling gratitude can also be a great tool for overcoming depression and anxiety. Furthermore, scientists have discovered that the heart sends signals to the brain. Reflect On: Every time we […]