by Kate Woodley Hello, our dear ones. We are present. We are members of the Galactic Federation. We always come with love, and it is always an honor for us to have the opportunity to share and transmit a message to our friends. What is coming through as an important message is the state […]
The Galactic Federation: Ascension Update
by Chellea Wilder This is the Ascension Update for August 23rd, 2024. Blessings to all. In our Previous Update, we spoke of the Energetic Purification Process, which had just begun. You are now 9 days with continuous bursts coming from the core of Mother earth. Starting on your Calendar day, August 15th at 71 […]
Chemtrails: Stopped or Not?
One of the reasons that it’s hard to say chemtrails have stopped or not is that the chemtrail technology is used for different applications. One that I suspect has been used in Canadian wildfires is spraying accelerants from airplanes, which use the Federation of Light confirms: Blossom: I have heard that chemtrails [planes] have dropped […]
Why the Galactic Federation Sent You to Earth
by Aurora Ray You came to Earth at this time with a great and honorable mission. A long time ago, a call went through the universe by the Galactic Federation, who are the overseers of peace. And they represent the peace, freedom, and liberty that prevail throughout our galaxy. They made a call, saying […]
The Galactic Federation’s Special Frequencies from Space Directly Target Human DNA for Awakening!
by Aurora Ray The Galactic Federation has played an influential role in the evolution of humanity over thousands of years. Their purpose has been to guide humanity towards a higher state of consciousness and prepare us for ascension to a higher dimensional existence. The Federation has done this by transmitting high-frequency energy waves to […]
Galactic Federation: On the Brink of Evolution – Earth’s Evolutionary Turning Point
by Aurora Ray On the Brink of Evolution: Earth’s Evolutionary Turning Point! We stand at the precipice of a great evolutionary shift on planet Earth! For thousands of years, humanity has been trapped in a cycle of fear, conflict, and limitation. Yet now we are awakening to our true nature and potential as multidimensional […]
Dark Forces Defeated: Victory of Light Promises the Imminent New Golden Age
by Aurora Ray For millennia, humanity has been engaged in a struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Many spiritual traditions and belief systems speak of an epic battle occurring in the unseen realms, with the light seeking to uplift humanity towards truth, unity, and higher consciousness, while the dark […]
Galactic Federation’s Call to Awakening: From Earth to the Stars
by Aurora Ray The Galactic Federation has an important message for all of us, something that lies deep within ourselves. They have come to Earth not just as visitors but as triggers for our memory bank. Their goal is to inspire humanity using the power of light, igniting our recollection of who we truly […]
Galactic Council: Divine Vision
by Asara Adams We are here now. We love you. We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path. Beloved One, it is most joyous to witness your incredible journey on your Planet… With every step, you are coming closer to a higher dimensional reality. With every experience, you are asking […]
Leaders Of Ascension: The Lyran Family
by Aurora Ray Leaders Of Ascension: The Lyran Family At this moment and time, several Galactic species are gathered here to help and guide humanity in its ascension process. These beings are communicating and sharing essential information for this process with many members of the Family of Light. And, as in every family, it […]
We Are on the Brink of Ascension
by Aurora Ray We Are on the Brink of Ascension You will know you have ascended when you no longer fear death and when you realize that your mind is not your brain. I have been asked by many to give you the best advice I can. I know this is a time of […]
Aurora Ray – As You Enter into 5D
Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation Dear ones, When you wake up in the morning, take a moment to acknowledge that you are on your way to a new reality. You have been moving into this new Reality for some time now. It’s a reality that is emerging from the high-frequency waves of […]
Ascension Tool
Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation Dear beloved ones, The clock is ticking. Today, while the future awaits, we can choose what it will be like. The only way you can fully appreciate the 24-hour window is by living with it. You must live with it. Your day, your life, your happiness, […]
The Team: Ascension is Well Underway
by Galaxygirl I woke up early hearing “Ascension is not a hobby it is a full time job.” I responded that I have a full time job. Next I hear, “Then you will have 2 full time jobs, for a time.” At all times you are surrounded by your team, your helpers. It is […]
Judith Kusel – Christed Extraterrestrials All is energy and the Shift or Ascension process, is really a vibrational frequency shift, as we ascend in octaves of Lightbody changes, until we match that of the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency band. Here the Universal Law of Resonance is coming into play: The higher your own vibrational frequency band, the […]
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