As I emerge, ascend, and integrate, I find myself navigating the change-over from negative (the troll under the bridge) to positive. Let me say a word about “being positive” at the get-go. I’m aware of the objections to “being positive.” I was there myself. I postponed making a needed transition in my life for decades […]
Change Needed In the Lightworker Community
by Alexander Quinn I came across this article and feel it is appropriate for now. It is thought provoking and a good conversation starter. -Sitara Dearest Starseeds and Lightworkers, I want to write about a few things that are broken in the Lightworker community at present. I have broken it down into the following; […]
When the Reval Hits….
It’s said that no plan survives the first ten minutes of war. When the Reval hits, I predict that there’ll be a war going on within ourselves that many of our plans will not survive. We’ll now find ourselves in the territory called “I don’t have to stand for that any more.” Entitlement may run […]
Joe Martino: Why Do We Condemn Others For Being ‘Less Awake’ or ‘Less Conscious?’
by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution, The Facts:So much of the time, many in the ‘truth seeking’ community will judge and condemn others who are not ‘as awake.’ This keeps us plugged into egoic consciousness and creating a world driven by polarity Reflect On:Right and wrong aside, as these are just subjective polarities, how […]
Matt Kahn – Anchoring Higher Vibrations
Anchoring Higher Vibrations by Matt Kahn. (email) When you dare to anchor the opposite vibration of those who trigger you, you’ll find yourself able to honor their journey while being grateful for the law of polarity for inspiring you to embody your highest wisdom more often in response to the inconsistencies in sight. Instead […]
Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us
While the human collective chose in 2012 to wait a few more years so that as many as possible could ascend, the time at which a choice must be made is, according to many sources, upon us. We’re in the phase of the great divide or time of separation, when the profoundly negative will find […]
The Nature of Energy Streamers
Because my own switch from a habitual negativity to a balanced positivity is going to affect my outlook and therefore my writing, I’d like to look at the subject in more depth. I’m going to walk through the Company of Heaven’s discussions of the subject. I hope it proves of interest to you. I’d like […]
Jesus through Gina Lake: Moving Beyond Identities
Moving Beyond Identities from Jesus Speaking: On Awakening to Love Jesus channeled by Gina Lake, email, Dec. 24, 2019 Everyone has multiple identities: You are a son or daughter, perhaps a mother or father, an employee or a boss, or unemployed or self-employed. Identities are traded throughout your life, depending on your circumstances. All that […]
A Radical Change of Vote
Over the years, I’ve regarded “positive thinking” as naive and simplistic. I’ve seen it as papering over reality, confining spontaneity, etc. I’ve preferred such things as “truth” and “authenticity” to it. However, recently, having had a vasana go off related to long bank lineups, I delved more deeply. I began to see that my support […]
A Balanced, Truthful, and Realistic Positivity
Returning to our exploration of positivity, I’m starting to see whole areas that I’ve walled myself off from through having taken a dim view of positivity. These I can now open to. Nonethelesss I still do value authenticity, truthfulness, and transparency. I’m still on guard against being snowed. How do I reconcile the two? Let […]