xBy Gillian MacBeth-Louthan https://thequantumawakening.com/wor…/index.php/newsletter/ As we enter our solstice, be-aware that you are truly being given an opportunity to become a vessel of healing and love holding a Great Celestial Light that is magnified and streaming within our solar structure. This summer comes in the form of many concealed learnings that are unfolding long forgotten […]
Change Needed In the Lightworker Community
by Alexander Quinn https://tinyurl.com/2u9z8ufr I came across this article and feel it is appropriate for now. It is thought provoking and a good conversation starter. -Sitara Dearest Starseeds and Lightworkers, I want to write about a few things that are broken in the Lightworker community at present. I have broken it down into the following; […]
Matt Kahn: The Way
https://tinyurl.com/3texbtbt Anger says: “I’m so mad that I can’t get my way and I don’t know what to do about it.” Sadness says: “It’s so unfair that I can’t get my way.” Fear says: “I can’t imagine not getting my way.” Denial says: “My way would be so much better.” Boredom says: “My way […]
Now My Vistas are Limitless
In a way, we seem like walking magnets. By the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, we attract certain people and situations to us and repel others. We’re refined magnets. We have the ability to change frequencies the way a TV changes channels. But, as long as we’re in the lower dimensions, our power of attraction […]
Matt Kahn: November Energy Update
(email) For the majority of 2020, humanity has been steeped in a collective dark night of the soul phase of accelerated healing. This crucial phase is used to shift from the mind-based identity of a dissolving 3D paradigm and into a heart-based identity of an awakening 5D consciousness. Although heartbreaking to witness and experience, the […]
Matt Kahn: Your invitation is Simply to Love what you can Authentically Love
via email Each moment of tension is an opportunity to love the one who is hurt, heartbroken, confused, lonely, ashamed, fearful, overwhelmed or disappointed. When it comes to love, your invitation is simply to love what you can authentically love. This can often mean choosing to love the one affected by life, not necessarily […]
Matt Kahn : Self Love is the Ability to Be Good to Yourself
(email) Self-love is the ability to be good to yourself, no matter who is or isn’t good to you. As your self-worth elevates by treating your heart to the friendship, support, honor, and validation you deserve, you become less resonant with those who say one thing and do another, make promises only to break them […]
Matt Kahn: The Truth About Resistance
by Matt Kahn https://tinyurl.com/y5wukftd Absolutely nothing occurs in your reality as a result of resistance. What many perceive as a resistance to change is a process of gaining necessary amounts of experience to transform “I don’t know what to do” into “I’ve been here before and my familiarity allows me to trust the process I […]
Matt Kahn – Anchoring Higher Vibrations
Anchoring Higher Vibrations by Matt Kahn. (email) When you dare to anchor the opposite vibration of those who trigger you, you’ll find yourself able to honor their journey while being grateful for the law of polarity for inspiring you to embody your highest wisdom more often in response to the inconsistencies in sight. Instead […]
Ivo Of Vega – We are in 4D
5/12/2020 Sharon Stewart www.sharonandivo.weebly.com Okay, Ivo and I are going to channel on this. Change of rules, guys. Me: We’re in 4D. When I was in the 12 steps, we were taught to do inventory on our problems so that we could finally get some peace. Yes, we made amends to others preferably face […]
Ivo of Vega: The One Thing This World Needs
4/28/2020 Through Sharon Stewart Me: So you didn’t think I’d figure it out, did you Ivo? Ivo: I did not, my love. So I gave you the answer. We have been scheduled to discuss limiting beliefs for a while and the subject did not come up. So I will tell you now, there is one […]
The Outer and the Inner
I suggested earlier that we all help the planet out and voluntarily quarantine ourselves for two weeks. (1) Well, here we all are, voluntarily and involuntarily quarantined, in a laboratory experiment in isolation and social distancing. You’re free for the evening, right? Humor me then. Let’s pretend we’re sociology students. I’m exploring what the impact […]
A Basic Change of Opinion
I’d like to continue a thread. It’s about the importance of how we feel. You know, I haven’t been to Earth all that often. (1) I often feel like an anthropologist, studying customs in the North American culture to which I belong because all seems so new. I have absolutely no awareness of any other […]