My friend, I’m going to call him the Whistling Gypsy, especially liked this quote from Sage Vasistha, as being the most reflective of his experience of God-Realization: (1)
“[The] absolute cannot be realized or experienced by another; only the absolute can realize itself.” (2)
I also like it.
Just think about it for a sec: The absolute.
The absolute is a Third-Dimensional concept so let’s look at a Third-Dimensional definition:
1a : free from imperfection : perfect … it is a most absolute and excellent horse.— William Shakespeare
b : free or relatively free from mixture : pure absolute alcohol (3)
But here we encounter the difficulty of consulting a 3D source. They don’t include God in the purview of their definition.
We mean something greater than what Webster does by “absolute.” We mean the All there is. The One without a second.
The sine qua non of existence – that without which there is nothing. That One.
No one will see the One. When the One is seen, it is seen only by the One. Hence:
Ibn Arabi: “Only God sees God.” (4)
Ibn Arabi: “The one who journeys through all degrees and reveals Himself is Him.” (5)
Bayazid of Bistun: “I went from God to God, until they cried from me in me, ‘O thou I!’” (6)
Now let me bring this back to the purpose of life. The purpose of life, as it was shown to me on Feb. 13, 1987, is that God meet God in a moment of our enlightenment. (7) “Only God sees God.”
When we finally unite with God, we lose our individuality. Who then is there to see God?
Sri Ramakrishna used to tell a story about a salt doll who wanted to measure the depths of the ocean. But he could not because, when he entered the ocean, he dissolved. Who was then there to measure the ocean? (8)
Now this is the classical view. The Divine Mother might very well say to me, no, no, sweet one. You come Home to me and the Father and then you go back out again. (9) OK. I will update my files.
The corollary of this is – until the Mother corrects me – we cannot speak to the Absolute Father. We can speak to the Father in form, which is Yahweh or Shiva. But not to the One in its absoluteness, the “Father” beyond form.
A second corollary is that the Divine Mother then becomes the only One we can speak to. She is active. She is creative, preservative and transformative. Nothing occurs ever anywhere unless it’s by her Will. (10)
He is still and silent and everything happens without him moving – just as I experienced at the meditation retreat in around 2007. (11)
Only she moves. If she stopped moving, all would return to him.
(1) I use that term generically. He realized God. I don’t mean to imply that I somehow know his experience was specifically seventh-chakra Brahmajnana or God-Realization or anything else. I’m not qualified to estimate an individual’s accomplishment.
See “An Account of a ‘Substantial Shift in Consciousness,’”
(2) Sage Vasistha in Swami Venkatesananda, ed., The Concise Yoga Vasistha. Albany: State University of New York, 1984, 46.
(3) Webster’s Online Dictionary.
(4) Muhyideen Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 48
(5) Ibid., 33.
(6) Bayazid of Bistun in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 12.
(7) See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at
(8) “Once a salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. (All laugh.)
“It wanted to tell others how deep the water was. But this it could never do, for no sooner did it get into the water than it melted. Now who was there to report the ocean’s depth?” (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 102-3.)
(9) In fact, she has:
“Now, your question to me is, are there millions of emanations? And my answer, sweet one, is no, there are not. They are very specifically placed in what you would think of as universal or global roles, and they are positioned to do the work that the specific archangel or master has chosen to do, decided to do, committed to do — for me — throughout eternity, or until such time as they return. In which case they will begin again, regardless.” (“The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might,” June 17, 2013, at [My emphasis.]
And Mike Quinsey as well:
“In the scheme of things you periodically return to the Godhead, only to be sent out again for further experience.” (Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, Feb. 14, 2020.)
(10) “I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at Reading, April 30, 2019.)
If anyone is asking themselves why I don’t capitalize the pronouns referring to God: “We do not want anything capitalized.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 12, 2016.)
Steve Beckow: I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.
Archangel Michael: You know what? We want you to be familiar. (Ibid., Jan. 3, 2017.)
(11) Steve Beckow: I had an experience at a meditation workshop in which I felt regal. It was a partial experience. Can you tell me what that part of me was that I accessed.
Archangel Michael: … Your Highest Self, your Oversoul, is very regal.
SB: So that was an experience of the Oversoul.
AAM: Yes. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011.)