If everything is God, then we must be God. If we are God, then why do we … OK, I … not act like it? (1) The Divine Mother and Michael say we are all angels, without exception, though incarnated in human physical bodies this lifetime, with all their ills. That’s how important this Ascension […]
There is No One That Isn’t
Do you notice that – awake or sleeping, in good times or bad – you are always there? If you stayed awake through the process of death, our informants tell us, you’d see you’re still there even then. (1) And happily so. The discipline that pursues the question. “who am I” I call the awareness […]
A Journey of Remembrance
Now I can’t stop writing! We are spirits within a body, embarked on the same One Journey from God to God. Ours is a journey of remembrance of our identity as the One, embodied. We provide the One with experience – our experience. Growth for us is increasing remembrance of who we are. We’ve had […]
Love is a Multipurpose Tool
I’d like to explore a little more the idea that love is the raw material, the glue, and the solvent of existence, as put forth by the Divine Mother here. The source of all wisdom and knowledge, she tells us that “everything is created from Love.” “That is the only essence; that is the only […]
Volcano of Anger or Volcano of Love? – Part 1/2
We often speak about volcanic eruptions of anger when a vasana or core issue is triggered. (1) But a volcanic eruption of ambrosia, nectar of the gods – higher-dimensional love? Until now I’d associated all volcanoes with undesirability because they connoted extreme conditions. We wanted to be in the center, right? But Archangel Michael depicted […]
The Final Action is One of Discernment
Happy Thanksgiving, America! The law of free will says that we have the right to live freely as long as our behavior doesn’t harm another. (1) If it does, the law of karma kicks in and teaches us the costs. (2) In my view, we start out learning right and wrong from the law of […]
In What Way are We All God?
Download Grandeur Beyond Grandeur: Toward a Cross-Cultural, Intergalactic, and Multidimensional Spirituality free here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Grandeur-Beyond-Grandeur-R5.pdf God said: “Before you there was just Me, before the earth and all the planets and star systems and galaxies and universes there was just Me and only Me. I needed to create. I needed to split apart and individuate so […]
We are God Seeking God
A penny dropped this snowy afternoon. A good omen, I’m telling myself, as the New Year approaches. If the purpose of life is that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment, then that formulation alone means that, right now, at this moment, God is seeking God, to make that destined meeting possible. […]
Where is the Ascension Energy Coming from?
I’m doing background research on topics related to energy. I use a question-and-answer format in this booklet for rapid production. I have a few more of these that I’d like to produce before the Reval hits. These are all the excerpts I’ll be posting. The booklet itself can be downloaded here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-Nature-of-the-Energy-Bathing-the-Planet-.pdf Where is the […]
The Nature of Energy Itself
I’m doing background research on topics related to energy. I use a question-and-answer format in this booklet for rapid production. I have a few more of these that I’d like to produce before the Reval hits. The Nature of “Energy” Itself Q: What things does “energy” include and what not? Matthew Ward: Everything is energy. […]
The Nature of the Energy Bathing the Planet
I’m doing background research on topics related to energy. I use a question-and-answer format in this booklet for rapid production. I have a few more of these that I’d like to produce before the Reval hits. The Nature of the Energy Bathing the Planet Questioner: What’s transpiring energetically at this moment? SaLuSa of Sirius: There […]
We’re Energy. We’re Love. We’re God
Matthew said something that’s rattling around in my head – a realization waiting to happen. He said: “Everything is energy; therefore everything is connected.” (1) I think most of us have already heard the expressions that everything is love and everything is God. Does that mean that God is energy? And energy is love? Let’s […]