I find bliss relatively easy to access these days compared to, say, a year ago. This is progress. It’s a gradual unfolding, so gradual for us that we may not even notice it.
This is how it has to be – slow and easy – as far as I’m concerned.
I remember sitting in an Adyashanti workshop and a young woman had a question. She had no spiritual background and was into heavy metal and then, suddenly, this experience happened and she had no idea what it was.
And it turned her life upside down and she wanted Adya to tell her what happened. After she described it, Adya said that it sounded like she had had an enlightenment experience. I’d now estimate it to have been Brahmajnana – sudden illumination at the Seventh Chakra, the first transcendental experience. One step away from Ascension. (1)
She confided that she thought she was going nuts. She had no one she could talk to about what had happened. No one understood her.
This same confusion is what we can expect unless the subject of Ascension is well explained to the general public and unless our minds, hearts, and bodies are prepared for the experience of it.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Which is beyond the Third-Dimensional Seven Chakra system. The actual culminating event of Ascension is Sahaja (Natural) Nirvikalpa (No movement in the mind) Samadhi (suspension of ordinary consciousness).
If Ascension happened tomorrow, most people would find themselves unable to hold the energy. We have to be prepared for it.