While looking for something else, I came across this sentence from Michael: “This hesitancy to trust … is also, of course, as you well know, a hesitancy to trust oneself, to trust that in fact what you feel about yourself is trustworthy.” (1) When I read it I nearly swooned. At that moment I felt […]
Building Momentum, Trust, and Confidence
Editorial So much of the success of pushback against a corrupt government lies in building momentum, trust, and confidence. The Freedom Convoy illustrates this perfectly. The convoy gathered momentum as trucks linked up in the west-to-east journey. Then from the other side of the country and from the US as well. They’ll all join up […]
Thank You to the Troll Under the Bridge … and Goodbye
I’ve reached the end of the road with an act of mine, a racket, a number. I’ve processed this number before. I’m processing it now at a much deeper level. Its presenting sign is that I wake up in the morning and I’m not cheerful. Nothing has happened that I be anything but cheerful, but […]
Vesuvius is Quiet
Vesuvius is quietening down. Let me do a post-mortem. Father hatred leaves me flat, unresponsive, shallow in my compassion. Hindus call that state of mind thamasic, lethargic. In my everyday awareness, I can feel it only subtly, as a slightly negative attitude towards everything – not skeptical but pessimistic. Disbelief, despair, depression. As I said […]
The Next Step for Me
I seem to be in a process of emergence. As I move forward in it, I bump into major roadblocks again and again. I’m bumping into one now. I’m not surprised that it’s come up. The minute one takes a position, up comes the opposition. I’ve taken a position, “no more global small talk – […]
Archangel Michael on Trusting in the Protection of the Angelics
I said earlier that I believe us all to be “mightily” protected. (1) The “Mighty Ones” are the archangels and so, when it’s said that we’re mightily protected, I assume it means protected by the archangels. Well, OK, have we any passages that support my contention? Here’s one I came across the other day: Archangel […]
Nancy Badger: Trust Life
Writer’s Corner Everything happens for a reason. Innately we know this is true. Yet in times of trial and tribulation, like what we see happening around the world, we choose to dismiss this truth. The same can be said about faith. When challenges arise we allow our faith to wobble. When wobbles arise, we’re no […]
Learning From Corona: What is Possible through Fear must also be Possible through Trust
Learning From Corona: What Is Possible Through Fear Must Also Be Possible Through Trust Leila Dregger, Tamera.org, 16 March 2020 https://www.tamera.org/article-learning-from-corona/ Thanks to the coronavirus, we as humanity are currently learning something very precious. We’re learning how powerful and efficient something incredibly tiny can be when it resonates with a latent field. This tiny thing, […]
RCMP Retreats from the Wet’suwet’en Blockades, Building Trust with Indigenous Women
As the RCMP retreats from the Wet’suwet’en blockades, the delicate trust it is building with Indigenous women remains at risk By Jula Hughes and Elizabeth Blaney, The Globe and Mail, February 20, 2020 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-rcmps-involvement-in-the-wetsuweten-blockades-crisis-puts/ Jula Hughes is the dean of the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law at Lakehead University. Elizabeth Blaney is the director of […]
Universal Mother Mary: The Gift Of Trust
https://https://counciloflove.com/2010/05/the-gift-of-trust/ Universal Mother Mary speaks of Trust. “If you were to look at the dramas, at the sources of conflict upon your planet in Israel and Palestine, the United Nations, in the streets of Chicago, in the gang wars of Los Angeles, and you were to say what is the core issue here? What is […]
The Grand Motif
I notice that, as I go down through my vasanas or core issues, I reach a place where I can almost draw back and see the bigger picture. For instance, I’ve been reviewing my life and seeing how everything I did fits in with or has prepared me for what I’m doing now. History, academia, […]