3D – 5D New Earth Shift: Elizabeth April video, from Joshua Tree, CA 4-6-20
Transcribed by Kat
I only recently discovered Elizabeth April in an article published in The Golden Age of Gaia on April 4th, 2020. (1.)
She is delightful to listen to, and her channeling and observations are fascinating. Elizabeth has been in contact with the Galactic Federation since 2012.
Here is her latest video, recorded Monday, April 6th, 2020:
Elizabeth explains some things I’ve been wondering about: Like why do I feel so elated and happy one minute that I’m whistling and dancing around the house, so energized and joyous I can barely be contained in my skin? But the next hours, or the next day, I feel exhausted, depressed and hopeless? Whaaaa?!
Elizabeth explains that right now, both 3D and 5D are running parallel on Earth. And that many of us have been Dimensional shifting. When we hop into 5D we’re happy. When we “come back down” to 3D, not so happy.
A few years ago, Linda Dillon told me I was frequently Dimension hopping, especially during night sleep. For me, dimensional hops can sometimes be dramatic and scary. Linda explained that in those scary moments, I was jumping in and out of dimensions to heal people, as well as myself; or jumping around to help the Galactics. As well, countless humans are traveling to and from Space ships, even if we don’t remember.
A dear friend recently reminded me of the word, “Jump!” We are both huge Battlestar Galactica fans, and whenever the Galactica space ship would faster-than-light-travel, the command would be “Jump!” Seems that many of us are now regularly “jumping,” and without the need of a space ship.
In this video, Elizabeth echoes what Adamu recently said, that right now we are choosing timelines and choosing our “next.” All we need to do is choose between Fear or Love. Simple. And that means, with every single choice, and in every single moment, we need to be making conscious choices or thinking conscious thoughts. (2.)
It can be as simple as thinking, “Oh dear, I won’t have enough groceries to get through this home-isolation period.” Or, “I always have enough. My needs are always met.”
We can Chicken Little our way through this now, and think, “Oh dear, oh dear, the sky is falling. Everyone is broke and out of work.” Or, “Everything that millions of us have been praying for is happening right now. So exciting.”
Conscious choice. Conscious thought. Fear or love.
I confess to having a bit of Chicken Little in me—so for me, it’s sometimes a battle to pull myself out of fear and into knowing that actually, all is well, and even better than well.
Elizabeth outlines what the Galactic Federation wants us to know right now, and what old 3D paradigms she sees collapsing and then shifting over the next four years: Financial, Education, Free energy, Environment, Politics, Health care, Cosmic disclosure, Dietary change, Farming industry—massive changes to every sector on this Earth.
As Elizabeth reiterates several times—you have to have a collapse before you can have a rebirth. And right now, we are at the beginning of the total collapse of 3D, which, she feels, will keep dominoing until 2024.
There’s much more, so enjoy.
I transcribed a little sloppily, but you’ll get the gist if you prefer reading over watching a video.
(BTW, thanks so much to the very kind GAoG readers, who took the time to write in with thumbs up for my transcribing and articles. Deeply appreciated. Bless you.)
Peace, Light and Abundance for all,
xo, Kat
3D to 5D Planetary new paradigm system. It’s going to be freaking epic. It is epic right now.
-What the Galactic Federation told Elizabeth in 2016 about the collapse of the Old Earth paradigm.
-The 3D world and what exactly it is.
-Describing and defining the 5D Earth paradigm. What is this New Earth that we’re all entering into?
-What the Galactic Federation wants all of us to know about what is going on right now… Clearly having a collapse of our old systems… individually and collectively… what does that mean for each of us? What does the Galactic Federation want us to know?
-How is everything that’s happening going to tangibly affect your life once it’s all over? Once we’re fully officially plugged into the 5th Dimensional Frequency Paradigm, what does that mean for you? What is that going to look like? What is life going to be for all of us?
-Been channeling the 3D and 5D Earth paradigm for such a long time. This information is part of my purpose. Fascinated with Quantum physics and Quantum mechanics, Dimensional hopping.
-Would love to know where are you from in the world? (What country)
-How are you feeling?
-Since the Global meditation on Saturday, I slept a lot. Took a 3 hour nap on Sunday. Really tired. Needed to integrate the new energies. Feel great today.
-I really want to get this video out there. Especially this one. There is a shift that’s happening and it’s affecting each and every one of you.
-Full Pink Moon tomorrow. Will post pictures.
-Lots of people feeling tired today… (Monday.) Woke up on top of the world… Emotional…
-Everything in this video is channeled.
Will not be talking about the 4th Dimension. 4th Dimension is Time… Going to be doing a Galactic Federation update video, have to go through 200 of your questions and will pull 5 or 10 to ask the Galactic Federation, next Monday.
-Had my first Galactic Federation meeting in 2012. Told me all about these concepts, 3-days of darkness… they told all of us, hundreds of thousands of beings (who were there at that meeting,) to get prepared for a huge shift… in 2016 I really pressed the Galactic Federation for answers… finally they gave me answers… this is not the ultimate truth…
8:55 What the Galactic Federation and Pleiadian Security Council told me in 2016, was that there indeed was a collapse of our old frequency in 2012… our old planetary system did indeed die… all part of the prophecy of Planet Earth…
9:56 In 2012 there was a polarity existing—high vibration and low vibration—when this collapsed we plugged into the next parallel reality… because the energies and vibrations were so polarized on the planet… we actually plugged into 2 very different simultaneous realities… which happened back in 2012. What? 2 Earths?
We still have one physical planet but two different vibrational frequencies existing on this planet… as 3D and 5D on top of each other simultaneously… that’s why we have the Mandela Effect… [false memory…]
11:45 Ever since 2012 we have been hopping between the old frequency (3D) and the new frequency (5D)… probably why you feel bi-polar… one moment or one day you’re happy, on top of the world… next moment or next day super-depressed…
12:54 In 2012, I thought that anyone who did not hop over to the new frequency… who were not ready to raise their frequency were actually going to get left behind…. So I got afraid for my family and friends…
14:02 Now I’m thinking we’re ALL hopping into this new reality… it comes down to a matter of choice: Love or Fear. That’s it. Don’t get caught up into any BS… am I making this action in the frequency of Love? Or frequency of fear? Fear means judgement, attachment… Love is oneness, unity, authenticity… really comes down to a choice of Love or Fear…
15: We’ve all been working hard on purging out our old frequencies in order to move to that level… you need to let go of a lot of baggage that has been holding you back… old emotions, old trauma… (3.) that’s why most of us have been on a Spiritual journey in 2016… you have been prepared for 5D… you’ve already ascended to that place…
Don’t feel bad if you’re not always in the 5th Dimension with Love and Light all the time… right now the 1% of us currently ascending to 5D are up against the rest of the entire world who are scared sh**tless right now… don’t feel bad if we have 3D days and 5D days…
17:00 There is going to be massive amounts of death when this takes place… I was worried… they told me it’s a split… more like a 60-40 split… 60% of the people meant to pass away aren’t meant to ascend… not able to support the frequency of the New Earth… they are choosing their exit points right now… maybe 30% that are exiting now are choosing to do the work in the Astral Realm… I call them Earth Angels… this has been predicted for a long time…
18:22 Best thing you can do to prepare for 5D is go inward and work on yourself and let go of your old stuff… just work on your own sh**t… go within and raise your vibrational frequency and that is going to help the planet… please be responsible and aware of the choices you’re making in every single moment: Love or Fear…
20:00 Literally Old Earth and New Earth are existing parallel right now…
(Story regarding parallel realities… Mandela effect…)
Here Elizabeth lists words she associates with 3D and 5D:
23:40 The words I associate with 3rd Dimension/Old Earth – are Linear, point A to point B – Classical physicals – Masculine energy – black or white, either one or the other – lack, limited, fear, control, 1% vs the 99%
5th Dimension Earth words – 5D Frequency, New Earth paradigm – Quantum and simultaneous – realize in this new paradigm everything is co-existing in a state of super position all at the same time – that’s why it’s intangible to wrap your head around –
Still going to have a body – instead of having a light body or a physical body – you get to be both simultaneously – instead of Fear OR Love in the old paradigm – it’s going to be Fear AND Love – you can experience both simultaneously – that allows you to have the option of choice – you can choose which paradigm you want to be in in a Quantum state – you can see all options objectively – when you think of the 5th D frequency everything happens simultaneously
In the 5th D frequency, time is not linear, it is the past, present and future stacked on top of each other – by quantum I mean simultaneous –
27:00 Other words for 5D – Freedom Freedom Freedom in the 5D frequency – you get to choose what reality you want to be in – Limitless – Equality – quantum physics – oneness – Divine Feminine – technically saying 3D is Divine Masculine and 5D is divine Feminine is too polarizing – actually 5D is BOTH Feminine and Masculine qualities…
28:50 What exactly the Galactic Federation wants all of us to know about this new paradigm:
First thing they mentioned “We are all currently on the Ascension Timeline.” We’re not trying to reach Ascension, we’re doing it right now.
30:00 Secondly, we’ve all been working on ourselves, so between 2016 and 2019 there should have been some sort of collapse in your reality… job, family, partner.. some sort of collapse in your physical reality… everyone is being forced to collapse their current reality… there is going to be a collapse of the 3rdDimension Earth between 2020 and 2024 is not the New paradigm… it is the collapse of the Old paradigm.. we are not going to see a new collective paradigm until 2024… we need to collapse the 3rd D frequency, the old Earth… this is just the beginning of the collapse… after this whole Coronavirus stuff… it’s not over, it’s just beginning… environmental disasters might ramp up… going to be a lot of shifting… corruption, political, religious, educational, declassified documents…
32:34 Other thing the Galactic Federation mentioned is that there is going to be a mass amount of deaths on the planet BUT people are choosing their exit points… they’re contracted to do so… either they can’t hold the high frequency or they’re so high vibrational that their work is done and they want to work elsewhere…
At an individual level there will be a hugely mass awakening between now and 2024… in a physical global level, we’re going to collapse all of the systems.. and stuff in your own life… but we’re going to see global stuff… psychic gifts, astral traveling, lucid dreaming, empathic abilities, instantaneously healing, spontaneous manifestation… it’s all coming to you because you’ve done your work… not coming to 3D peeps who haven’t yet collapsed their stuff… but between now and 2024 you’re not going to need me to talk to the Galactic Federation because you’ll do it yourself… Very exciting…
34:53 Have to be making conscious choices in every single moment — it’s not just about the choice but it’s about the vibration itself. Is it a choice of Love or Fear?
If it’s obligation, judgement, attachment… then you’re disempowering yourself… not helping the collective… please be aware of the choices you’re making…
36:52 Shifting of the dimensions is not that scary it’s just old vs new…
37:05 How will all this shifting tangibly affect our lives?… what does that really look like… these are all things that are POTENTIAL… we could POTENTIALLY experience after 2024… nothing is ever set in stone it’s up to all of us to create this reality… the mass meditation was a great start in bringing our collective mind…
Elizabeth lists her ideas of what she feels is going to be shifting in the next 4-years:
38:00 This is just my intuition… grain of salt with everything I say… Every single system on the planet is changing… biggest change in the next 4-years is the financial system… as we’re talking the whole financial system is changing and collapsing… we’re going to go back to a gold-standard… may actually transcend to a one-world currency.. I know there is fear about the shadow government and the cabal… that they want to create the new world order as they call it… but it’s funny… a lot of the truth is actually projected as evil…
39:00 But trust me, the cabal is being taken down right now, especially those d*mn reptilian shape shifters… they’re all are being taken off the planet I know as for a fact… so we don’t have to worry about this new world order anymore… especially after everything that’s happening right now… so the biggest change is the financial system…
47:21 Oh yeah… with the financial industry shifting… don’t’ quote me… something along the lines of each one of us on the entire planet is going to get a monthly wage… we no longer have to be stuck in the paradigm of 9-5, we’re going to be financially liberated… that’s where we’re going…
We’re also going to see a huge change in the Education system… but that’s going to take a lot longer… probably 4-years to roll out… it’s a difficult system to change on a global level
39:48 Also really good potential for free energy… Tesla technology… if we experience a total blackout or a solar flare… we’re going to transition over to free-energy technology… we used to have it in ancient Atlantis and ancient Lemuria, I’ve astro-traveled back there and seen it for myself… also in ancient Egypt… I really hope that is the case in the next 4-years…
40:45 Going to be a mass amount of solutions for environmental resources… there’s a ton of technology that’s about to be released that is going to clean up the planet and really help Mother Gaia… and that will be released in the next 4-years… re: trees and wood from lumber… we’ve been deforesting the planet for no reason whatsoever… growing hemp would give us far more wood and paper whatever it is we need from lumber than we get from lumber and cutting down trees… we haven’t implemented these solutions because of all the lobbying, and corporate interest at a global and stock level…
42:00 Cleaning out the political system.. we all know that politics has been corrupted for a very long time… taking down the reptilian bases.. taking down the reptilian shape-shifters… kick the reptilian shape-shifters, the bad ones, the low vibrational ones, off this planet… it’s now all finally coming to a head…
We’re cleaning up politics, cleaning up celebrities, cleaning up mass media influences, cleaning up all these 1%-ers, and cleaning up the reptilian shape shifters who have been in control for a very long time.. by 2024 every single one will be off this planet—but right now they’re still fighting for control… still fighting tooth and nail really hard, to keep control…
43:12 Massive shift in Health Care… how it is given, what it looks like… it will involve 3D printing… will be able to 3D-print a new heart, 3D-print a new liver… we’ll see a huge massive shift in genetic manipulation… I’m a little wary about this… don’t know how I feel about that… just be aware of it… we can all be healthy with genetic modification…
44:45 We’re going to have mass cosmic disclosure… bring on the Aliens… yay… declassified documents… Alien files.. UFO files… in the next 4-years the government is going to come out at a global level are going to come out and say, alright Aliens are real… not going to come in the form you think it is… like a huge fleet of ships… not that way too intimidating.. easy disclosure
46:00 Huge dietary change… changes to the meat industry… impossible burger, etc… farming will be different… not fields but high-tech hydroponics indoors…
We’re going to see massive amounts of change to pretty much every single sector of this entire planet in the next 4 years… but we have to have a collapse before we can have a rebirth… need to collapse the traditional religious structures…. Because ½ of our wars are being fought around frickin religions… so 3D of us… need to collapse the 3D paradigm before we can ascend to the 5D…
We’ll all experience an internal vibrational change… what does the new planet look like? Still same body… but all will be more psychic, intuitive… we’re already quantum beings of light… and it’s an important time to step into your power…
1. “Elizabeth April: Ready for the Global Reset?” GAoG April 4, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/04/elizabeth-april-ready-for-the-global-reset/
2. Adamu Speaks ~ Coronavirus Part I: The Light Perspective, GAoG 3-31-20
Attachments area
(3.) Emotional traumas = vasanas. On clearing them, see “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” December 29, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/12/29/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process-2/