Clearly my personality survives intact in some way, shape or form. I don’t know what the road ahead holds. I can only report. What I report now arises from my practice, on the path of awareness, of maintaining awareness of myself. I detected a pattern. I was people-pleasing. I was complimenting someone on a coat […]
The Worst Possible Virus: The Inner Hitler
When tension increases, awareness decreases. The converse should also be true: When tension decreases, (1) awareness should increase. And so, in the midst of chaos, my awareness appears to be increasing. Having dropped Constant Comment, weathered the eruption of Humiliation that followed, (pant, pant) I notice that I have reached a place of … well, […]
Grounding is Next as I Prepare
The Company of Heaven are continually asking us to drop anchor in Gaia, to send an energetic cable down to Gaia’s heart and there fasten it to her – in other words, to ground ourselves. Viewed from another perspective, I notice in myself that, when I allow my center of gravity to rise up as […]
When the Reval Hits….
It’s said that no plan survives the first ten minutes of war. When the Reval hits, I predict that there’ll be a war going on within ourselves that many of our plans will not survive. We’ll now find ourselves in the territory called “I don’t have to stand for that any more.” Entitlement may run […]
Sitting on My Inner Child
I was going through wave after wave of anger, experiencing it through to completion now that the vasana of father hatred was at last up. I resolved to be angry for as long as it took for the light to go on. And the light went on when I asked myself: What is the cost […]
Getting Out of My Own Way
My life is a workshop in awareness. My agreement is to remain aware of myself. My process involves observing, noticing, and sharing. Viewed from a cultural-historical standpoint, my notes are an Ascension ethnography – a biography or narrative of one person’s slow and gradual, and sometimes sudden, Ascension process. Right now, I’m noticing the impact […]
Not Elegant, Just Workable
I was saying earlier that I regarded this as a time of Deep Cleansing. (1) However that works, I personally find that deep issues are arising. I’m now following the deep despondency I’ve felt in the background of my consciousness for what feels like all my life. And at last I’m connecting with an utter […]
Hollowing Us Out
The story I’m making up for myself is that, because XXX is still alive, I don’t have to mourn him. I’ve known this all along but I haven’t been ready to hear it. Now I am. So I’m telling myself that we have time left. Accepting that, I’ve seen the grief lift. I’ve had a […]
JFK: Sparing the Rod via Losha
Sparing the Rod JFK via Losha, Voyages of Light, Nov. 19, 2020 ( To all of the good people who have chosen to be here on Gaia at this time…Godspeed to you all! My “subject” title above might be startling to some – even also to my message taker. I will just keep speaking and […]
An Us-and-Them World
Werner Erhard made the distinction between an us-against-them and an us-and-them world. A world that works for everyone is an us-and-them world. Others have called it win/win. Now, I was not raised in an us-and-them environment, not viewed from any angle – except perhaps the angle of the soccer or baseball team. Our team – […]
The Outer and the Inner
I suggested earlier that we all help the planet out and voluntarily quarantine ourselves for two weeks. (1) Well, here we all are, voluntarily and involuntarily quarantined, in a laboratory experiment in isolation and social distancing. You’re free for the evening, right? Humor me then. Let’s pretend we’re sociology students. I’m exploring what the impact […]
UBIs and Honoring Free Choices
One day I asked Archangel Michael a question about universal basic incomes. In his answer he covered a number of bases. I found the following part of his answer particularly challenging: “[Behind universal basic income] is the idea of liberation, of freedom, of the latitude of each person to have flexibility in their choices. And […]
The Adult State = The Balanced State
Having been reminded yesterday of the mind’s ability to divide itself into parts, sides, or voices, (1) I identified three persistent voices that were key in forming my everyday life experience. I’ll use Eric Berne’s terms for them: a child, parent, and adult ego or consciousness state. Berne explains: “‘That is your Parent’ means: ‘You […]
Glimpses of What Lies Ahead
Having newly discovered, or re-discovered perhaps, my balanced adult, (1) I’m now having fun with it. I spilled a bottle of glue today while transferring it from one bottle to another. I enjoyed watching myself clean up the mess, moderately. I knew full well (without a barrier of resistance appearing) that I could restore the […]
The Caring Mind, the Adult State
Sometimes it seems to me that we have many selves. Maybe innumerable selves, I don’t know. Buddhists talk about hungry mind and grasping mind. The self or mind that I just noticed – and that I’m a virtual stranger to – I think of as the caring mind. I was in the middle of moaning […]