by Judith Kusel
As all life and life forms on earth are losing density as we assume our Solar Lightbodies, and all the dark energies have been and being removed, and in whatever form it expressed itself, the earth needs to cleanse, clear, and transmute.
Elementals from other star systems and even universes are busy eating the pollution, backed up by specialized units from the Intergalactic fleet.
This means that this year will bring a lot of earth upheavals and yes, it means we will be challenged all over the world.
I am dealing with this topic in detail during my webinar, on the earth changes on the 25th.
I have hiked with a geologist friend friend here where I live, and geologists read the earth, in ways archeologists do not.
As huge chunks of landmass tore off eastern Africa, the torn off landmass sunk under the sea, and went under the landmass remaining and lifted it, thus the high mountains on the eastcoast here.
Yet what makes it even more interesting, is that once the sea levels where much lower than now, and at another stage far higher, at the levels of the first mountain ranges here.
At the Robberg Peninsula Nature Reserve, they have found on the ROOF of a cave perfectly preserved human footprints a few millions years old! It shows the immense changes the earth went through all these ages.
The westcoast, in contrast, was once an ocean filled with islands, and shortnecked giraffe, saber tooth lions, etc.
Africa still holds the first Supercontinent, which the geologists are still trying to piece together.
Continents have come and gone, and far more civilizations than we have ever been told about.
Let us not forget that the earth has a soul and is a living being, just like you and me!
She too is shifting and going through an ascension process on her own.