My life is a workshop in awareness. My agreement is to remain aware of myself. My process involves observing, noticing, and sharing. Viewed from a cultural-historical standpoint, my notes are an Ascension ethnography – a biography or narrative of one person’s slow and gradual, and sometimes sudden, Ascension process. Right now, I’m noticing the impact […]
Not Elegant, Just Workable
I was saying earlier that I regarded this as a time of Deep Cleansing. (1) However that works, I personally find that deep issues are arising. I’m now following the deep despondency I’ve felt in the background of my consciousness for what feels like all my life. And at last I’m connecting with an utter […]
Hollowing Us Out
The story I’m making up for myself is that, because XXX is still alive, I don’t have to mourn him. I’ve known this all along but I haven’t been ready to hear it. Now I am. So I’m telling myself that we have time left. Accepting that, I’ve seen the grief lift. I’ve had a […]
An Us-and-Them World
Werner Erhard made the distinction between an us-against-them and an us-and-them world. A world that works for everyone is an us-and-them world. Others have called it win/win. Now, I was not raised in an us-and-them environment, not viewed from any angle – except perhaps the angle of the soccer or baseball team. Our team – […]
Steve Rother and the Group: Beacons of Light May 2020 – White Noise
Greetings, dear ones. Humans are moving so incredibly fast now. Know that we see what’s taking place and understand the fear. Breathe, dear ones. There’s another part of this process that you’re starting to see, full of hope and excitement. We will share that with you this day and clarify the energy around the process that […]
The Big Change – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) The point I wanted to make however is: what do we do in the face of this constant change to maintain our equilibrium, our balance? Things are going faster than I can keep up with. What do we do? I can only say what I do, which I’ve been doing […]
The Big Change – Part 1
I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes the GESARA Plus Plan. If we were to see the ending of the careers of corrupt politicians, of big business’s control over the finances of the world, of the […]
The Outer and the Inner
I suggested earlier that we all help the planet out and voluntarily quarantine ourselves for two weeks. (1) Well, here we all are, voluntarily and involuntarily quarantined, in a laboratory experiment in isolation and social distancing. You’re free for the evening, right? Humor me then. Let’s pretend we’re sociology students. I’m exploring what the impact […]
Anael: Directing Your Love and Healing Energy to Help People
Anael has given me permission to post her share from Suzi’s Forum. ( In it she’s sharing or revealing herself, which is a freeing thing to do. (The truth will set you free.) This is exactly what I was hoping would happen on the Forum. I have an idea to propose to you for directing […]
UBIs and Honoring Free Choices
One day I asked Archangel Michael a question about universal basic incomes. In his answer he covered a number of bases. I found the following part of his answer particularly challenging: “[Behind universal basic income] is the idea of liberation, of freedom, of the latitude of each person to have flexibility in their choices. And […]
The Adult State = The Balanced State
Having been reminded yesterday of the mind’s ability to divide itself into parts, sides, or voices, (1) I identified three persistent voices that were key in forming my everyday life experience. I’ll use Eric Berne’s terms for them: a child, parent, and adult ego or consciousness state. Berne explains: “‘That is your Parent’ means: ‘You […]
The Caring Mind, the Adult State
Sometimes it seems to me that we have many selves. Maybe innumerable selves, I don’t know. Buddhists talk about hungry mind and grasping mind. The self or mind that I just noticed – and that I’m a virtual stranger to – I think of as the caring mind. I was in the middle of moaning […]
Treat with the Natives in Good Faith
I must say that the issue of negotiating with Canada’s native population strikes a chord with me. And my interest in what is happening only increases over time. Yes, I know that their protest is shutting down Canada’s rail line. I guess that’s what it took to get us to listen. When the situation is […]
An Africa Without Waste: How Gold Mining is Going Green
“Recycling precious metals and minerals from used electronics can help make today’s consumption patterns more environmentally sustainable,” writes Christopher Kaminker, Head of Sustainability for Lombard Odier Bank. February 11, 2020, CNBC Africa At Umicore’s industrial facility in Antwerp, hundreds of workers wearing yellow safety vests turn up every day to recover gold, silver, copper, […]
Why Do Things Seem to Go Slowly?
In a 2016 reading I had with Sue Lie and the Arcturians, which I haven’t posted on before, the Arcturians shed some light on the way the Company of Heaven proceeds in teaching us. Let’s go over what they shared about their process. Let me also share their admonitions to the blog – similar to […]