“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” ― Albert Einstein For years, I’ve wrestled with the problem of how to create a world that works for everyone. I was always thinking from the same level at which the problem was created. When I went into the hospital […]
My Life is Mine to Create – Part 2/2 (2017)
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) Written in the midst of a spiritual experience Meanwhile, everything we do together as a collective is a carefully-scripted drama, in which we have the right to depart from our agreed-upon lines. Well, now that I’m free of thinking that what I do or do not do matters, the question […]
My Life is Mine to Create – Part 1/2 (2017)
I’m expanding and revising five or six books at once, getting ready for the demand for information I anticipate, following the announcement of the delegations or the Reval. And as I run through articles for inclusion in the expanded editions, I’m coming across some that I can’t not repost. This is one of them – […]
Three Opposing Energies
I have to tell you what a problem I’m having with three seemingly-opposing energies. Three apparently-antagonistic sides of myself. Warrior Side One side says “Stop!” to the Deep State and to international human-rights abusers who are apparently not part of the Deep State. This voice comes from my gut, my will. Hey, what’s hard about […]
Claiming Our Divine Authority: What Will It Take? -Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) I also see barriers to the resistance falling away. Here’s one. I think I have to say to someone who challenges me on authority: “I speak on my own divine authority.” No, I don’t. “I speak on my own authority.” To say “on my divine authority” is to invite controversy. […]
Claiming Our Divine Authority: What Will It Take? -Part 1/2
I’m beginning to see the tie-in between divine qualities, states of consciousness, and contexts. They’re different words pointing at the same thing. I’ve experienced mastery, abundance, and peace, which are divine qualities, as states of consciousness. They were expansive, transformative – certainly higher states than ordinary consciousness. Werner Erhard calls the same phenomenon a “context,” […]
Once Sold into Prostitution, These Girls Became Lawyers to Bring Justice to Others like Them
First posted in 2017. Once Sold Into Prostitution, These Girls Became Lawyers To Bring Justice To Others Like Them Keshav Khanna, Indianwomenblog.org, Aug. 17, 2019 httpss://tinyurl.com/yxkxja6e Survivors of the crime of Commercial Exploitation of Children (CEC) are today aiming to become top-notch lawyers. They have different stories. Some were child brides sold into prostitution by […]
Archaeological Dig into Strong Desire
I have (and I wonder if we have as well) many urgent needs, strong desires that I serve endlessly – and without question. An example would be a strong desire for affirmation that’s authentic and not manipulative. I was criticized as a child at the very time when a son wants a father to be […]
Did You Return to the Fray?
I personally don’t have as much time to process vasanas these days as I did a few years ago. I have to make room for speedier measures. And so today I just dug in and asked myself: What is the chief mischief maker? Never mind beating around the bush. Let’s get to the heart of […]
My Report from a Lightworker Perspective: We Need More Fireworks
I was feeling strange this morning and so I looked at my emotional field to see what it was I was experiencing. I couldn’t put a name to it. It felt somewhat cold and electric and so I wouldn’t ordinarily be attracted to it. But at the same time, well, it electrified me. It gave […]
Welcome to the Third Dimension
I’ve traced this lack of compassion that I feel back to the crib. My arms were tied to the sides of the crib to stop me from scratching as a result of having excema. I was wheeled into the kitchen and left there all night no matter how much I cried. (1) I concluded that […]
Finding the Hope in Hopelessness and How 1+1=One
Finding the Hope in Hopelessness and How 1+1=One Kathleen Mary Willis, Voice of Freedom.ca, n.d. httpss://voiceoffreedom.ca/sacred-insights-2/ Much of my life I’ve struggled with depression. From that depressive place, I attracted situations of drama. Like attracts like. When I started sitting still — to feel into the pain of my depression — I began to understand […]
Original Challenge from the Arcturians
After writing this article, I read Narendra Mishra’s reading, to be posted later today. In it, the Divine Mother tells us not to wait for an “event” but to do our work beforehand diligently. She said: “And will there be what you think of as the ‘mother storm’? The answer is yes. But do not […]
Validating Oneself
I wrote an article the other day and was very pleased with myself. I found myself saying, “Yay, Steve,” and then I mysteriously broke down in tears. I realized at that moment that I’d been starved of validation from my Father as a young child and instead fed a diet of invalidation. The classic criticism […]
Reclaiming My Authority
Most people would encounter the lessons I’m learning over a gradual period of growing up. The process would be called “maturing.” But, because of dissociation at an early age due to domestic violence, I “matured” only slowly and incompletely. Like many others, I built a constructed self around my disabilities. Scrapper, activist, etc. The only […]