by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
We prepare for the Golden Solstice’s passage, which is strongly felt now. As ascending souls, our task is to always remain in the Truth of who we are and our personal SOLar Ankh Temple, our Divine Template, restoring and reclaiming our freedom and true identity as Divine Sovereign beings.
The many 3D distractions at this time are meant to govern our Consciousness, deviating our true purpose and intention. This is a blessed time to foment our personal values and family and anchor more love, wisdom, and harmony.
This Solstice is about embodying the CHRISTalline plasmatic energies that are being enhanced during this passage, as we continue choosing to act as integrated beings so that the distractions of this season do not mislead us from seeing the Truth.
This passage together with the sun in Capricorn, a new moon in this sign, and Chiron direct, will provide us with powerful healing transmissions. Capricorn energies are precisely to help us achieve illumination, through the transfiguration that we have been experiencing throughout all this year.
The Solstice will amplify Capricorn transmissions as well, helping us to continue repairing our telomeres, where our DNA resides, healing mitochondrial anomalies, the mother seed within us, so we can embrace both our SOLar consciousness and our Female one, removing false timelines, so we can step into the harmonic ones we are giving form from within.
Many of you will start feeling the intensity of density emancipation, especially in your joints, knees, hair skin, and bone structure in general, parts of our anatomy that Capricorn rules too. This is where true ascension begins, when our bone structure, the denser one, starts shifting.
It can feel exhausting some days, with pain in our joints, and knees and feelings of dizziness as if we were, for we literally are, navigating between two different worlds, and dimensions, our 3D one and the 5D, and 6D timelines, the soul dimensions, where many of you are beginning to anchor yourselves, and where others are already dwelling, descending the angelic transmissions to assist our planet in its transfiguration.
You, as already advanced and brave souls who chose to incarnate on a wonderful, but very challenging at the same time, planet, have all the wisdom, power, and divine resources required to continue remembering, transforming, and reclaiming who you are, and your divine mission.
There is nothing outside of yours that can tell you who you are only confirm what you already feel.
You are Love, Wisdom, and Power, embrace it Beloveds.
You are Divine Design.
Remember that when all challenges you beyond your human understanding.
May you create a wonderful CHRISTmas season and Now Year Beloveds.
Thank you for another year of constant assistance and harmonic seeding.
Thank you for the gift of your Presence.
Within Infinite Love and gratitude,