Finding the Hope in Hopelessness and How 1+1=One
Kathleen Mary Willis, Voice of, n.d.
Much of my life I’ve struggled with depression.
From that depressive place, I attracted situations of drama. Like attracts like.
When I started sitting still — to feel into the pain of my depression — I began to understand my self, the why and the how.
I was guided to ask:
“How is this pain connected to the past?”
Sitting in my pain, seeing images from the past, naming emotions, allowing them to be, I slowly started coming to balance within.
It is a continuing process.
Sorrow, shame, anger, fear. . . allowing, expressing, feeling for healing that “I’m a disappointment. . .”
Looking at the blame game of hatred, judgement, separation anxiety, control, guilt . . “God is punishing” drama. . .
Seeing that “being right” creates “bombs” — thoughts and action — energy gathered that creates war within, as in dis-ease, depression, and also in the without, to war with others between family, friends, neighbours, countries, nations on a global scale.
As we face into our pain we see we are one/One — 1+1 = One — we are One with everything, connected to everything with ability to forgive everything, especially our self.
In the stillness of forgiveness, facing into our pain, along with the action of forgiving, we create peace, within and without.
As within so without,
— the reflections of our journey —
changing our within changes the without.
In the feelings of hopelessness is the hope, the peace, the way to balance for one/One.
In remembering we are forgiveness,
we become One with 1’s
1 + 1 = One
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