(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
I also see barriers to the resistance falling away. Here’s one. I think I have to say to someone who challenges me on authority: “I speak on my own divine authority.”
No, I don’t. “I speak on my own authority.”
To say “on my divine authority” is to invite controversy. Why go that route?
I know. What does it matter whether the other person does or not? Or believes that I do or not? It doesn’t affect my knowledge.
I see barriers coming up right and left. Voices saying: “But I want others to know.” No, you don’t. You just want to feel like a hero. They each have their own path. Let your concern go.
Oh, yes, my precious knowledge. I have to be well discerned. I have to read only the best.
I once read only enlightened authors for ten years – after my 1987 vision – to find words to put to it. Perhaps I should go back to that.
I will when I retire.
Right now the agenda is the Ascension of Gaia and all her inhabitants. Therefore, back to uncovering my divine authority.
All the divine states simply are. They don’t come with a manual.
We’re given intuition and guidance to find the key to unlock the door.
The door has to be unlocked by our own efforts (1/1,000) combined with the Mother’s Grace (999/1,000). (1) As I discuss in the footnote, the Mother’s Grace far outweighs my small efforts.
But nothing is straightforward where souls are concerned. There are many things that have to be factored in to this equation. I am in service to the Mother as a communicator: That means that my experiences will be molded and even truncated if “going too far” jeopardizes my mission.
It also means, I believe, that I’m given more experiences than the average person because they know I’ll write about them.
So here I am digging away at the debris to discover what my divine authority is, knowing that, when I discover it, it’ll be mostly because of the Mother’s Grace.
Here’s a clue. Contemplating my divine authority, I’ve ended up in a state of higher-dimensional love. This aligns with my experience of all the other divine states; I end up in the experience of love.
Is this what is meant by saying that love takes in all the divine qualities?
(1) In other words, her input is vastly more than ours.
Note that you can see in my own case that the Mother plans and monitors enlightenment events and takes an active role in them.
I experienced a full-blown, 4th-chakra heart opening, but did not experience the fulness of the 4th-chakra sight of the Self. The Mother later acknowledged truncating the latter as Archangel Michael did as well.
Steve: The experience at Xenia, Mother, was that truncated?
Divine Mother: Slightly, yes.
Steve: I had the thought [it was]. … The Light I saw should have been brighter than a thousand suns. The fact that it wasn’t suggests to me that the experience was truncated. …
DM: It was not as brilliant as possible, let us put it that way.
Steve: Alright… And again, the reason is to keep me in sync with my readers?
DM: It is to keep you in sync with your readers. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.)
Michael on truncating in general:
Archangel Michael: If you were completely involved in your full awakening, you in very great likelihood would not be forming a platform with me. You would be off somewhere in an ashram meditating.
So that is what we have meant. Ground yourself. Be human and love the experience of being in form. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013.)
If I had the full experience of any of these states, I’d most probably be off in the Himalayas finishing the job.
The upshot of these experiences is that the active involvement of the Mother and the Archangels in my own spiritual unfoldment rests with me as a proven fact.
This then becomes part of my knowledge base, which contributes a sense of certainty to me about the nature of the life that I encounter every day, inside and out.
Moreover, getting clear about it as I am here removes another barrier to the realization of what my divine authority is.