Triggers just seem to keep going off. I have to be supervigilant not to launch into extreme thoughts and behavior. And not to then swing out onto the other extreme and super-protect myself from them, until the guardian again becomes the guard. (1) How to stay in the middle and yet be strong, resolute, determined? […]
How Do I Change Myself?
There’s so much I want to say about the process I’ve just been through so things are not missed. The ideas are tumbling out. What I did was I processed a root vasana or core issue. Processing a vasana is the (wholesome) alternative to blaming and shouting at another person. Long ago I swore I […]
Sitting on My Inner Child
I was going through wave after wave of anger, experiencing it through to completion now that the vasana of father hatred was at last up. I resolved to be angry for as long as it took for the light to go on. And the light went on when I asked myself: What is the cost […]
Vesuvius is Quiet
Vesuvius is quietening down. Let me do a post-mortem. Father hatred leaves me flat, unresponsive, shallow in my compassion. Hindus call that state of mind thamasic, lethargic. In my everyday awareness, I can feel it only subtly, as a slightly negative attitude towards everything – not skeptical but pessimistic. Disbelief, despair, depression. As I said […]
Whose Shepherd I am
So far the vasana with my Dad has manifested, as it did in 1986, as unbridled anger. But I seem to have left the anger phase now, and, even as the last fumes of father hatred dissipate, I’m beset by feelings of fear. This is a crystal-clear demonstration that anger sits on top of fear. […]
Emerging from the Shell
I had no success accessing this vasana. (1) It’s the same root vasana of father hatred that I’ve been dealing with since I was a young child. It shows how tenacious a vasana can be. I finally invoked universal law and asked Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother to take the whole of it away, […]
The Next Step for Me
I seem to be in a process of emergence. As I move forward in it, I bump into major roadblocks again and again. I’m bumping into one now. I’m not surprised that it’s come up. The minute one takes a position, up comes the opposition. I’ve taken a position, “no more global small talk – […]
The Adult State = The Balanced State
Having been reminded yesterday of the mind’s ability to divide itself into parts, sides, or voices, (1) I identified three persistent voices that were key in forming my everyday life experience. I’ll use Eric Berne’s terms for them: a child, parent, and adult ego or consciousness state. Berne explains: “‘That is your Parent’ means: ‘You […]
Glimpses of What Lies Ahead
Having newly discovered, or re-discovered perhaps, my balanced adult, (1) I’m now having fun with it. I spilled a bottle of glue today while transferring it from one bottle to another. I enjoyed watching myself clean up the mess, moderately. I knew full well (without a barrier of resistance appearing) that I could restore the […]
Emerging from the Shell
I was talking to a colleague when someone planted the idea in my mind – out of nowhere – that it’s all about emergence. For us it’s all about coming out of our shells. What is “it”? Growth. Enlightenment. Ultimately Ascension. We’ve been conditioned by a hundred forces all our lives. It’s time to come […]
Ready for the Historic
As you know, I need to use this time to sandpaper some of my rougher qualities if I’m to be of use later on. Part of an Ascension ethnography is the cleansing or purification phase, known to all terrestrial students of enlightenment. However, things have changed now with the rising energies, it seems. Vasanas that […]
‘Everyone in Authority’ Knew of Poor Conditions at Residential Schools: Report and a Solution
More than 3,000 aboriginal children died at residential schools — often thanks to causes that could have been prevented — and the federal government failed to properly safeguard the students, according to a special report on the scandal. Mark Kennedy, Ottawa Citizen, December 14, 2015 More than 3,000 aboriginal children died at residential schools, […]
The ABCs of Psychological Trauma
I call the source of trauma vasanas; Linda calls them core issues; these folks call them trauma. The name doesn’t matter. But all are agreed that these are the main obstacle to our happiness. The ABCs of Psychological Trauma Stillness in the Storm, 07/15/20 httpss:// Although psychological trauma doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, […]
Realization: Turning Puzzles into Pictures
I’ve just had an eery experience. Listening to a friend, I heard details of her story that made the whole of her self-presentation at that moment shift from being a mystery to me to being clearly and instantly understandable. Everything about the way she was in a certain area of her life was now crystal […]
How I See Myself
From observing myself, I’m becoming convinced that the most important factor in how I feel, how my health is generally, and how I feel about myself is how I see myself. I’ve sifted through everything – thoughts, feelings, vasanas, patterns, and interests – and what I see as the prime architect (1) of every action […]