We’re on a journey of Ascension at this moment and the last thing I personally want to do is to make that journey outside conscious awareness – “in a fit of unconsciousness,” as some wag put it. No, I may not run a spaceship. But I run the good ship I Am. I’m monarch over […]
It’s Time to Emerge from Self-Doubt
Our loving thoughts are with the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Further to our conversation in “Past-Life Connection,” (1) I took another step today in what I call “emergence.” (2) Emergence for me means to step forth or stand forth from our limitations, our vasanas as a class of phenomena, our feelings […]
Confidence Varies Proportionally to Forgiveness
I’m about to lay down Theorem No. 10. How should I phrase it? Confidence varies directly proportional to forgiveness. (1) I say that after enjoying a reading from Kathleen in which she made available to me a second opportunity to forgive my father for domestic violence. (2) I took it and enjoyed the release it […]
A Damful of Tears
I’ve just become aware of the most subtle feeling, one that permeates my entire experience and holds me back on all matters of initiation and self-presentation. It blankets me. I’m feeling into it at this moment, treating it as a vasana (or core issue). (1) It has a shade of sorrow. —-> [A flash of […]
A Nexus of Hatred and Guilt Releases
I am at the moment processing a really persistent and deeply-rooted vasana (or core issue), which I’ve never even noticed till now because of its construction. (2) It’s a two-handed conversation, rather than a simple single voice. I’m going to call it a “nexus.” (3) One side of the conversation is hatred of the father. […]
Introduction to the Constructed Self (Download)
Here comes a detailed look at the constructed self that we fashion to present and manage our image, to look good and sound right. The invitation is to come out from behind the image and be who we really are. Download On the Constructed Self here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/On-the-Constructed-Self-5.pdf Introduction to the Constructed Self What is the […]
Do I Really Want to Hurt?
I just got, from completing a huge vasana that traces back to events with my Mother, that, in the last analysis, no one else is responsible for and able to clean up the emotional damage I feel but me. Yes, I can get apologies. Anything external could happen. But no matter what happens externally – […]
Pain: The Mental Component
I want to say at the beginning that I’m not talking about emotional pain, trauma, etc. That’s a different subject and a very difficult one. I recommend clearing emotional pain using the upset clearing process. (1) I’m talking about physical pain and I’m specifically relating to the pain in my knees from a newly-arisen case […]
Being a Second Self
Wow, just in posting an article on vaccine deaths, I had a strong vasana (core issue) go off. Just like that. No input from anyone else. That’s surprising. It suggests to me that the vibrations are getting more refined. Tsunami of Love, Porlana C, the Lions Gate – whatever the energy hitting us at the […]
General Cleanup in the World … and Me
I think the energies are forcing every last vasana (or core issue) up in us. Here’s one that’s up for me. I have an inordinate need for quiet right now and I’m sure it’s a problem for people around me. Anything carried to an extreme stands a good chance of being a vasana. So let […]
I Don’t Need Props, Lines, and Costumes to Be Me
I can now see counterproductive behavior patterns as they arise. Before I committed to the divine qualities, they’d arise largely invisibly. That was because I approved of them. Now they work against my new commitment and so are in conflict with me. When they arise now and seek my attention, I don’t agree to give […]
Finding Blame is like Making War on a Person
Gotcha! All our love goes out to the families of the murdered children in Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. I’m quite serious about needing to clean up as many of my vasanas as I can and the reaction patterns they give rise to, before the Reval. I watched a biography of Hitler the other […]
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Boundary Work Two-fer
April 21, 2022, trinityesoterics.com https://tinyurl.com/yeyt72wp We realize that adjusting boundaries can seem daunting, especially if they’ve been in an unhealthy pattern for a long time. But healthy boundaries are essential for helping you, and everyone around you, meet their highest potentials. That is exactly why they are coming up for reexamination for so many of […]
Does the World Have to Be Sick of It before We Act?
The suicides of Shanghai residents locked down in their apartments are horrifying. And nowadays the whole world is connected via the Internet. Everyone with a cellphone and access to the net is a news reporter. It feels like every city or town on Earth is virtually next door. All the more pain when we see […]
Tazjima: The Light Collective: On Expansion (2013)
I’m now doing other research and I came across this really unusual channeling from Tazjima in 2013. It describes so many intimate details of the life of us masters-in-form that my jaw was open half the time. I love her suggestion that “ancient memories of trauma” were given to us early in life either to […]
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