Do I really want to hurt?
I just got, from completing a huge vasana that traces back to events with my Mother, that, in the last analysis, no one else is responsible for and able to clean up the emotional damage I feel but me.
Yes, I can get apologies. Anything external could happen.
But no matter what happens externally – the skies might part and I’m lifted to heaven, vindicated – in the last analysis, and barring med beds, I’ll have to repair the emotional damage that exists within my physical and emotional field myself.
It’s my landscape. It’s either green fields or a bombed-out ruin. If the latter, I’ll have to sweep it up and place each brick back up.
Given that terrible prognosis, do I really want to prolong an issue with another person? Do I really want to take things another step? Have I not learned, first of all, to stop?
Then process the upset before broaching the issue underneath it?
Do I really want to prolong the issue when I could be breathing love up from my heart and sending it out to them – and myself?
No, I don’t.