Whomever it was who took the Internet down recently proved they could do it. It wasn’t a solar flare. Here’s the area that a solar flare would have hit: Credit: https://downdetector.com/ (1) Not the U.S., etc. I like to think it was white hats but we await some official word. Until it comes, I favor […]
Do All the Divine Qualities Reside in the Heart?
As a result of writing a previous article, I saw that I was creating my joy in a moment of realization. I wondered if I couldn’t create happiness as well. So I called up happiness from my heart on the inbreath and sent it out to the world on my outbreath. And, yes, I could […]
Other Voices on Where the Self “Lives”
Three days till 11/11. When, at Xenia Retreat Center in Sept. 2018, I ventured in meditation into the very bottom of my heart, the depths of my heart, called the Seat of the Soul, I there found the Light of the Self. (1) But, after the experience, I was filled with doubts. The soul doesn’t […]
Jeffrey Scott Pears: Still as a Mountain Lake
Jeffrey has just published his book, Embodying Light, and has permitted us to take some excerpts from it in future. Add Jeffrey’s voice to Sarah White’s yesterday and all the others who have come and are coming forward to demonstrate the shift in consciousness happening. (Look at that face!) Still as a mountain lake Still […]
Us: Transcending the Transcendental
There are seraphim in our midst. Since I opened the blog in 2009, I’ve had Michael directly or indirectly acknowledge three and another perhaps four have credible claims to it. But I don’t want to be “outing” anyone. That can subject them to ridicule and injure their missions. InLight Radio was financed by a seraph, […]
Why Transformative Awareness? (Download)
Download On Transformative Awareness here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Transformative-Awareness-9.pdf I was in the course of updating, expanding, and polishing Transformative Awareness when I came across a reference to “going above the line.” I made a footnote in the text and the footnote rapidly became an article. Let me explain the term and, in the course of doing so, […]
Psst! Over Here….
Psst! Over here. Yah, you. Come over here. Listen. I’ve just been waiting for someone like you to come along. I wanna tell you a secret. Here it is. Ready? The Self lies in the seat of the soul. Yah, yah, yah, that’s what I said. The Self lies in the bottom of the heart, […]
The Eye of the Storm
Download here: On the Divine Qualities at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/On-the-Divine-Qualities-2.pdf. I’ve made this point several ways. I keep looking for other metaphors. Up till now I’ve discussed where I believe we need to be as the heart, the center, the balance point, etc. Let me now compare it to the eye of the storm. A hurricane […]
The Significance of the Torus
The torus, illustrated here, came up in discussion recently at Kathleen’s lecture on gender equality. It has special significance for me following the vision I had on Feb. 13, 1987. May I share that? That vision followed an individual soul, appearing as a brilliant golden star, which emerged from a large Golden Sun. It went […]
I Don’t Need Props, Lines, and Costumes to Be Me
I can now see counterproductive behavior patterns as they arise. Before I committed to the divine qualities, they’d arise largely invisibly. That was because I approved of them. Now they work against my new commitment and so are in conflict with me. When they arise now and seek my attention, I don’t agree to give […]
Feeling Loving, Blissful, and Ecstatic is an Inside Job
If it’s all about how we feel, as I believe it is for us humans, then what am I doing, in a take-charge manner, to see that I feel my best (as defined by me)? No, I don’t mean anything external. I’d like to keep our attention on the internal. It doesn’t cost anything and […]
Access to Divine Mother Unprecedented
I’d like to repeat a conversation in which the Divine Mother confirms for me a really basic aspect of Reality. I do so to underline the fact that we today have unprecedented access to her through numerous mediums. This has never happened in the history of the world. That alone should be a proof of […]
Life is Open-Ended
My chemistry teacher taught me never to say never. Always leave room for doubt, error, new perspectives, additional information. Life is open-ended. My ongoing namaste to him has been to use the word “etc.” a great deal, to convey this open-endedness. It acknowledges just what he said – that I could be wrong, more knowledge […]
The Study of the Heart – Part 2/2
(Concluded from part 1, yesterday.) So I was operating outside the intellectual level – in the experiential. Sri Aurobindo addresses the situation: “Man, because he is a mental being, is prone to give the highest importance to the thinking mind and its reason and will and to its way of approach…. The heart with its […]
The Study of the Heart – Part 1/2
In my view, we live at three levels: intellectual, experiential, and realizational. As long as we remain, socially, at the intellectual level, we concern ourselves with right/wrong, good/bad, pleasurable/painful and other dualities. We don’t give much importance to feelings. Right/wrong and the rest at best give us the rewards of pride, self-satisfaction, conceit, arrogance, status […]