Credit: divinemotherschool.org
As a result of writing a previous article, I saw that I was creating my joy in a moment of realization.
I wondered if I couldn’t create happiness as well.
So I called up happiness from my heart on the inbreath and sent it out to the world on my outbreath. And, yes, I could bring up happiness as well.
Again, if you’re on the awareness path, that’s another significant discovery. That makes the statement that “happiness is my creation” very much more significant.
Yes, I create it by calling it forth from my heart, where all the divine states of qualities seem to reside, if they can be said to reside anywhere.
At another point today, I had the first inkling of knowing how to create or up-level a feeling state I’m in.
I saw how, though I was not master of what thoughts arose, I was master of whether I’d get behind any one thought. I still had the power of choice.
I feel more in control of myself now, more the master of how I be. And I don’t mean that in an overbearing way. It actually feels like the righting of a natural balance.
The Adult, the Commander, my Higher Self – Big Steve – feels like the natural candidate for leader of this merry band that “I” am. When he leads, it feels right. Little Steve, my wounded Child is not fighting it any longer, begging for attention. He too thinks it feels right. We’re unanimous.
Interesting. All very interesting.
Life as a learning experience.
Ibn Arabi: “To know God is not an easy matter, until one becomes a knower of one’s self.” (2)
Al-Ghazzali: “He who knows himself knows God.” (3)
(1) See “That. And That. And That,”
(2) Muhyideen Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 3.
(3) Al-Ghazzali, The Alchemy of Happiness. trans. Claud Field. Lahore: ASHRAF, 1971; c1964, 19.