by Digger Barr
I watched the whole day and I am still not sure exactly of everything that just happened.
I will share my thoughts but as with most things these days, there are so many layers that no one telling will reveal it all.
This is just my version of what I saw.
I watched all day. This was and is the most historical event I may ever witness and I didn’t want to miss out.
I watched all of the Inauguration of President Donald John Trump.
From fireworks at Mar a largo to the Signing of the Executive Orders this was a spiritual moment.
Son of Mary Anne Mcleod and Fred Christ Trump, DJT has risen to the pinnacle of this pivotal time in history.
This day was filled with multiple Named characters that will live in infamy.
Each having played their role in the revealing of a hidden global agenda on both sides of the chess board.
The swearing in of this one man represents the taking down of an entrenched vampiric system of control that was sucking the life out of our planet.
I could stop writing right here as that could sum it all up.
But that isn’t all there is to tell. Because the chess game is still ongoing.
One would think the swearing of a new US President would mean checkmate.
But it doesn’t.
It does mean that the game is in our favor but there is still much work to do.
There were so many things that happened during the whole procession of the day it would take hours to point out all the details and give them a full review.
This will be the task left to others over the following weeks.
Here are the main things that stood out for me.
I viewed this day as a changing of the guards.
First was the walk of shame by the previous administrations.
Being paraded from the cars into the hallway, we witnessed the current version of each notorious character.
I cannot say that they actually were who they were, but it doesn’t matter.
These were the representations of the names sakes that caused so much harm to humanity.
This was the parade of reptilian snakes that have so convincingly duped the people they really should be given Oscars.
And one right after the other, representing years of carnage.
Each with a story yet to be exposed and for them to face us for their crimes.
It’s what people want. We want them to be held responsible and be named publicly for what they have done.
This may never happen as these may just be the visual puppets.
We are left to wonder what Trump or rather, the white hats have in mind.
It is a strange dance I may never understand.
It is a dance that we may never have been aware of if not for the White Hats.
How very fortunate that we are witnessing this version of things.
Which brings us to the swearing in.
Did he intentionally leave his hand off the Bible?
In Matthew, Jesus tells us; Not to ever swear to God, but to let your yes be yes and your no be no.
Is this why a very deliberate action of inaction was taken?
Is this the case? or perhaps was it something else?
Is he already President and no further swearing in is needed?
Was he avoiding a Corporation ritual of some sort?
Honestly, this too is a ceremony that I may never understand.
In my search to be Sovereign I would never give much credence to swearing on a book that has been manipulated.
How could we be sure the Bible is what we want it to be?
Parts of it feel right, such as the verse from Matthew above.
What else do we need to know?
What does President DJT know that we have yet to learn?
A lot would be my observation.
And so the ceremony continued with the Inspection of the Guards.
I found that to be a very archaic human ritual. Very militaristic and yet proudful transfer of power.
This was the second display of power in the overall ceremony after the swearing in by the chief Justice.
The third and what has become the most powerful of all is the stroke of the pen and the signing of so many Executive orders.
Nobody has used the art of war and the art of the deal more masterfully than the billionaire businessman with the big red tie.
But the real Power of Trump becoming our president is in what comes next.
And let us never forget this.
For Trump is just a man. He is a powerful man and one strong enough for the job.
But It is us the people that weld the power. He knows this and he keeps trying to tell us.
We are important powerful beings that have simply forgotten.
He is here to remind us.
And so he does this again and again by meeting and talking with the people.
A Grand acceptance greeted the Trump and Vance Families.
Not just as a ruling class but in a welcomed hero status.
America has voted. And we have spoken.
These are the people we have chosen to guide us through a storm of reclamation and liberation.
Thanks to them, this is our time, in a Golden Age.
The turnout was phenomenal and the stadium was packed to the roof.
And the crowd loved Barron.
I can’t help but feel this young man is destined for greatness in a very humble and respectful way.
It’s in his face and in his eyes.
Oddly it stirs a parental pride in me.
Like we have all helped raise this young man and that he represents the future of a better place, a place that we all want to be.
Even the media loves Barron. There is nothing negative they can say about him.
Like relatives at a family reunion everyone loves to say how tall he has gotten.
The whole Trump family arrived at the indoor parade and they were seated and greeted as Royalty.
Royals that America has never known before.
What an interesting and surreal development.
Seeing them all together on stage was very telling.
There are so many young ones.
Our new leaders are family people.
I cannot help but feel patriotic and proud to be a part of such a moment.
The whole movement is beyond imagination.
If one were to step back and take in the whole 8 years until this moment, you can see the struggle that it has been.
But let us take the moment now to release those struggles and let joy flow in.
Yes it has been hard. But right now in this moment, celebrate.
Be in love, be in joy and be a part of something so much greater than ourselves.
This is us speaking as one.
We have had enough.
This is our time now.
Thank you White Hats.
Thank you President Trump.
Thank you my fellow Americans.
Digger 25