Implosion, pastel on paper, by Leilah
by Nancy Leilah Ward
A conversation with the Vastness of Being.
Through the months of November and December, my ability to create felt stagnant, like I was frozen in suspension. The vibe of the world has also felt this way, suspended, hanging in the balance before the chaos creators take over and begin their messy, stumbling, noisy march into the darkness of their own demise, taking with them some of the structures that need to be released. I see, in the future, green shoots of new beginnings growing out of the ashes. But for now, I see those ones marching forward dragging sledges of debris with them into the fire. It is a symbolic vision. Some of what they throw into the fire will be impervious to its flame and heat.
We are being called to release attachments to beliefs we’ve held closely because all will be changed, challenged and exposed. We came here, to be here in this time to witness and release the untruth and to one day rise up in the renewal, rebirth, and reconstruction.
We are in the pause before the storm, getting ready to release that which is not in true heart alignment. Each person is facing this on a deeply intimate level of their being. I see a woman standing on a hill in the wind. The mighty wind is whipping her dress and hair and blowing dark elements off of her. Dark splotches are being carried away on the wind, turning into whisps of black smoke and dissipating. Allow this to be. Observe what you are attaching your thoughts to. Observe what you want to hold onto and see if you can release your hold and just be in the stillness of non-attachment. Watching the drama unfold, standing in your stillness, connected to earth, to your path of light.

Release, pastel on black canvas paper, by Leilah
Civilizations have come and gone. Ruins of once great cities are scattered over the earth and buried within her. Release your identity for a moment and stand within the wind, allow it to blow through you. Allow it to blow away words and thoughts that cling to what is passing away, what is collapsing. Notice what you feel within your being. Do you sense the eternal truth of your soul? That sparkling essence of you that is immortal, that has seen so much more than you have remembered. Colors you have never seen. The sky is turning pink, the sun is coming back a new dawn arises within your being.
Cannot sleep. Why so much trouble sleeping lately?
Fires in Los Angeles… utter devastation.
You are in the ascension. It is upon you. Deep changes within are occurring. The changes are inner and outer. This is miraculous. It is a time like no other. Self-care is important for you to maintain your center. Going through your daily life from that place of stillness is important for you to maintain equilibrium. Poised on the tip of a pin, the wind rises up whipping around. Wind could knock you off, blow you away but you are aware within the swirling of your soul self fully embodied within you and this awareness helps you to anchor, to be stabilized within the blowing currents of swift changes. Your ancient, timeless soul has experienced so much more than you may realize at present. The wisdom within your soul is available to you energetically at any moment you wish to receive it, to look in the direction your inner knowing is pointing you to. Blocks of information settle in, landing within your being, without words, it is a frequency of energy carrying wisdom, memories of ancient times and of the inter galactic experiences of your soul. Open to the vastness of your being.
There is a singular moment in time where forces of knowing will meet on a battlefield of ideas, a clashing of intellects will shatter and fall like shards of a mirror, scattered on a field of vision that will tilt sideways and flip into a new reality. The natural world, the beautiful Earth will pulsate and breathe freedom and joy into all of life. You are invited to participate in this unfolding. Unexpected, unfathomable change is upon you. What did we decide when we got here on Earth? We knew it could go in many probable directions. It, the path of Humanity on Earth, the path of Earth’s evolution itself, holds many choice points. Short-sighted choices have been made by many. Others sink in despair and hopelessness and yet there are other choices.
Some are seeing with long vision above and beyond the tumult and the density of beliefs to a horizon of possibility, of mystery and blossoming creativity where Humanity chooses to rise into unity and consciously create a thriving, joyful being. This, too is available to you. Heightened telepathic communication will catapult you into joyful creation and expansion which takes you above and beyond the current story being told through a limited lens that ignores the gifts Humanity holds but has not yet fully grown into. In years past, those who cultivated these gifts were punished and held in suspicion. The time is at hand for the gifts of intuitive clarity to be awakened within all Human beings. Some will cultivate and expand these gifts; others will fear and cower in the radiance that will be bestowed upon them. Bask in the radiance, allow it to fill your being and you will be lifted into greater awareness and an abundance of creative extasy which is the birthright of every Human Being.
We offer this bigger picture, this broader view for you to contemplate on to help you to rise above the chaos and move forward into enlightenment, deep love and revelation of your true nature.
Leilah and the Vastness of Being