Whomever it was who took the Internet down recently proved they could do it. It wasn’t a solar flare. Here’s the area that a solar flare would have hit:
Credit: https://downdetector.com/ (1)
Not the U.S., etc.
I like to think it was white hats but we await some official word. Until it comes, I favor an explanation circulating on Telegram Feb. 22, 2024:
“Space Force flexed on Deep State showing they can/will shut phones, radio, media down. Power must remain for EBS (Project Odin) to keep folks calm. Martial Law will keep everyone at bay while truths are exposed.”
But it must mean that we’re one step closer to the ten days of broadcasts and with that, we hope, a changing of the global guard.
I remember the Vietnam War being the first time we watched a war on TV, covered daily from the field. I believe it was called “the living room war.”
Now everyone has a cellphone. This confrontation between the deep state and the white hats is being covered by millions of citizen journalists.
And still in the midst of it all, the tidal pull on me is to go inwards.
I feel bliss arise as I breathe in.
The experience of bliss brings the disappearance of concern. I still do what I do but without concern.
Truly, being in the divine states is what will make the world work for everyone. The matter seems simple and obvious when one views it from inside a divine state.
We’ll all of us end up in that state with the advance of Ascension.
What a remarkable affair it’ll be. Nothing will have changed in our outer circumstance but we’ll feel completely fulfilled and satisfied.
Nothing needs to be said when one is in bliss. There are no needs that I’m aware of. Only the most relaxing, nourishing, and uplifting of moods and feelings….
What is it that’s yearning to be born? To be revealed? To be shining forth without impediment?
It’s a Light so bright that it eclipses “a million, billion suns.” (2) It’s both love and light the same way I’m Steve Beckow and human at the same time. Love and light go together.
I’ve seen that light in another way. A very long time ago, I had an experience I called at the time the Silver Bullet. I had an insight into light at the same time that I was making love. (Blush.)
The insight was that light was not only the blinding flash of realization; it was also all the light in this very room. The conjunction of light and love sent me into the brief but certain knowledge that I was God.
I couldn’t remember my own name but I knew that I was God. And then after a short while the experience disappeared. But my appetite was whet.
Fast forward to Xenia, where I saw the Self, more luminous than bright, (3) and I now recall a detail I had never thought of. Not only was the light of the Self toned down, but there was no bliss accompanying it.
What I was allowed to experience was the Soul’s purity and innocence. That let me confirm for myself that I was not “born in sin” or other equally mistaken proposition.
What a liberating experience it was to have certain proof of that, the proof being an experience of our own natural innocence and native purity.
(1) A screenshot from The Real Reason For Outages Across US (Insider Exposes) at (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sHeYvGRRsI&t=148s)
(2) Divine Mother: If you had seen the light as it actually is – yes, a million, billion suns – you would have simply departed. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.)
(3) That experience followed my watching scenes from Frazzeldrip at Xenia Retreat Center, the night before I left. I fell into a deep, dark funk and the experience of the Self pulled me out of it. That shows how the Company of Heaven will work with us later.
- “We Are, All of Us, Innocent and Pure,” April 7, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/07/307247/
- “Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia,” Sept. 22, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/09/22/archangel-michael-explains-what-happened-at-xenia/