January 20, 2025
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! ~ Lewis Carroll
The day came, and that which was foreordained, occurred.
Commentators, truthers, and pundits; journalists with big names and millions of readers; lone newshawks with a few Substack followers… Everyone has an opinion about today’s historic inauguration of President Trump.
Things seemed to go without a hitch. The juggernaut of President Trump’s administration has already begun plowing a path through illogical and inequitable decisions that have adversely affected Americans these last four years (and much longer, given the hold the deep state/elites have had over humanity for millennia).
I was completely unsurprised that President Trump was installed. My squint-eyed “I don’t think so” persona came to the fore every time another doomsayer or supposed insider-connected person opined otherwise.
My foremost feeling is one of quiet satisfaction. And also a metaphorical release of the breath I’ve been holding since November 2020, waiting for the rightfully elected person to be inaugurated as president of my country.
I’m still a mainstream type of person in many ways. Not much of a rebel. In fact, I strongly believe that treating the situation we found ourselves in as if “military is the only way” and “the EBS must happen for truth to be revealed” does a disservice to most of the people of the world as well as United States citizens.
Why would we want to shock and alarm our fellow citizens? I have friends who would utterly disbelieve what an “EBS/ten days of revelations” would present, and go into a state of horrified paralysis at a military-on-the-streets scenario, convinced a junta had taken place.
As far as the military taking over… When I heard President Trump announce that troops would be deployed at the Mexican border, I thought: it’s not a military takeover, but it is military action. And I feel that particular action is palatable and comprehensible to most Americans. (“I will send troops to the southern border to repel the disastrous invasion of our country.”)
My overall sense today, on this truly historic day, is that what has occurred was inevitable. I never believed that the inauguration would not take place as scheduled. My intuition (and a healthy skepticism about the more alarmist elements of the truther community) told me that anything else was quite unlikely.
I realize things may not be smooth; there may still be upsets or alarming events. That’s always true, whatever we might be talking about. The unexpected happens, the expected gets derailed… That’s the nature of our lives here on earth.
I feel our lives here on earth are already improving, and improvement will continue to snowball, an unstoppable confluence of fate; diligent, ceaseless effort; and divine benevolence that would have it no other way.
Make it so!