In the following messages, Michael explains in great detail how angels can be from the dimensional realm but not of it. If we’re all angelics, then he’s speaking about us. If I were to ask the questions again today, I’d ask about “Source,” the Absolute, the space beyond the Transcendental, what I think he may […]
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 2/7
Yesterday we heard Michael tell us that angelics are from a realm above the twelve dimensions, which would be what I usually call the Transcendental. In April 2020, we heard the Divine Mother declare that all upon Earth are angelics: “Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper […]
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 1/7
I’d like to thank and acknowledge Linda Dillon for her channelings, which form a major component of this series. This series of articles began as an itch I could not scratch. I was searching for a particular quote from Archangel Michael that kept going round and round in my mind. I had the feeling I […]
Unlike Anything Most will Ever have Experienced
Life is amazing when you watch it, as we’re enabled to do in this Pause. We go up with a thought. Down with a feeling. Life is a succession of ups and downs. It can be a bouncy ride. I feel so driven to recover the knowledge that all of us surrendered upon incarnating that […]
Higher Consciousness Made Easy
by Owen Waters Question: What makes higher consciousness hard to obtain? Answer: Only the belief that it can be hard. The concept of higher consciousness is surprisingly simple, as can be the method by which you can obtain higher states. You have the ability to think on three levels – the brain-mind, the heart-mind, […]
Feeling Loving, Blissful, and Ecstatic is an Inside Job
If it’s all about how we feel, as I believe it is for us humans, then what am I doing, in a take-charge manner, to see that I feel my best (as defined by me)? No, I don’t mean anything external. I’d like to keep our attention on the internal. It doesn’t cost anything and […]
Life is Open-Ended
My chemistry teacher taught me never to say never. Always leave room for doubt, error, new perspectives, additional information. Life is open-ended. My ongoing namaste to him has been to use the word “etc.” a great deal, to convey this open-endedness. It acknowledges just what he said – that I could be wrong, more knowledge […]
Jesus: I Speak Not as the Man But as the Light
I’m quietly proofreading Towards a Cross Cultural Spirituality and, in the course of it, came across this pivotal description by Jesus of his relationship to the Light that is the Christ. In his various “I am” statements in the gospels, he acknowledges here that he is speaking as the Light rather than as Jesus the […]
Activating the Wellspring
You’re welcome to download a copy of our new booklet, Extraordinary Love, here:”. When you right-click on the URL, the booklet automatically downloads. I’m currently at work on a much larger version. What follows must be one of the most memorable and significant conversations I’ve ever had with Archangel Michael. My thanks go to […]
Infinite Being: Infinite Possibilities
by Owen Waters Quantum physics is more than a century old; yet, people’s eyes still glaze over when they first hear of its strange ways. In the sub-microscopic world of elementary energy particles, the universe acts very differently from the one we know in our physical world. As it turns out, the quantum world […]
Quantum Creating & Manifestation
AVATAR BLUEPRINTING FOR APRIL Developmental Focus: QUANTUM CREATING AND MANIFESTATION Quantum seems to be the big theme of the emerging moment. We are hearing more and more about quantum technologies, quantum computing, quantum encryption, a quantum internet, even a quantum financial system. It is a tremendous subject matter and is quite significant considering the […]
James Gilliland: The Veils Are Coming Down Welcome to March madness. The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs, “solar flares” the off-the-scale Schumann Resonance is going to make March a month to remember. This will continue through April. It is time to heal, end the victim cycle, and take our power back. The onion is being […]
Global Sisterhood: Awakened Leadership, Purpose
Global Sisterhood Zoom Video on Awakened Leadership, Purpose Some notes from the video: the space within to rise, be in fullness use of imagination to understand the space within/without, to heal, show up with more heart, Love and courage. . . sisterhood guidelines: confidentiality non-judgement – looking at causes of judgement, comparison of self […]
On to Active Bliss
Switching from current affairs to spirituality, again, is like moving house. I move from one neighborhood to another. In this case the work of moving takes the same amount of effort as it always has. But here I’m moving back to an old familiar neighborhood … I was going to say haunt! … spirituality. And […]
Now My Vistas are Limitless
In a way, we seem like walking magnets. By the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, we attract certain people and situations to us and repel others. We’re refined magnets. We have the ability to change frequencies the way a TV changes channels. But, as long as we’re in the lower dimensions, our power of attraction […]