12th May 2023. Mike Quinsey. Extract from an article by Uri Geller. A map discovered by Russian Archaeologists seems to prove that intelligent life visited Earth millions of years ago. A three-dimensional serial image was discovered by Professor Alexander Chuvyrov, in the mountains around Ufa, a city 60 miles east of the Urals, revealing a […]
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 7/7
In summary, these are revolutionary statements that we’ve just heard: We’re all angelics. We’re all Transcendental. We access the Absolute and re-emerge. Some of our angelic capabilities have been made available to us to make ascension easier. Etc. How many times have the Company of Heaven said that we don’t know who is here? If […]
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 6/7
Here – in 2020 – Michael announces to us that all presently on the planet are angelics. Not in our distant but in our immediate origins. He tells us that our angelic capabilities have been made available to us at this time “so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great […]
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 5/7
When you read what Archangel Michael has to say here, remember what the Divine Mother has said about creating a new species of humans and what Ivo of Vega has said about “homo universalis.” (1) If we keep this general picture in mind, it becomes clear that what is happening now is indeed an evolutionary […]
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 3/7
In the following messages, Michael explains in great detail how angels can be from the dimensional realm but not of it. If we’re all angelics, then he’s speaking about us. If I were to ask the questions again today, I’d ask about “Source,” the Absolute, the space beyond the Transcendental, what I think he may […]
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 2/7
Yesterday we heard Michael tell us that angelics are from a realm above the twelve dimensions, which would be what I usually call the Transcendental. In April 2020, we heard the Divine Mother declare that all upon Earth are angelics: “Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper […]
A Wall of UFO Secrecy since the Earliest Days
Archangel Michael tied the Reval to Disclosure some years ago. Just in case, I invite us to brush up on the subject. An excellent synopsis of the changing attitudes among defence and national securities agencies towards extraterrestrial spacecraft since the 1947 Roswell crash appears on a WanttoKnow website: https://www.perceptions.couk.com/reports.html I have taken the material, edited […]
Exit Homo Sapiens; Enter Homo Universalis
I’m working on a book on timelines and, as always, different revelations and discoveries occur in the process. Many of them are on who Gaians are, who Gaia is, and what Planet Earth is. (1) To look at subjects like these, we have to leave “present” and “past” behind and talk about vast sweeps of […]
CNN: US Intelligence Agencies have 180 Days to Share What They Know about UFOs
Disclosure We progress at a snail’s pace towards disclosure of the existence of our star family. Here CNN reports on a requirement for US alphabet agencies to declare what they know. The truth will be covered up, the can kicked down the road – or it will not. Does it depend on us? US intelligence […]
Are all Reptilian Civilizations Dark?
Attached below is a copy of Introducing Our Star Family. Why an introduction now? Some commentators are saying that Reval and Disclosure are linked.That sounds like a good idea to me! If so, I want us to be ready with literature on who the galactics are. Therefore: Download here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Introducing-Our-Star-Family-R1.pdf What are reptilian civilizations like? […]
Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?
As an historian by training, I have an abiding interest in historical matters. One mystery has long intrigued me and I asked Archangel Michael about it in my last reading through Linda Dillon, Nov. 15, 2017. Right around 1200 BC, many civilizations fell, were eroded, or suffered some other obstacle to their progress. Various theories […]