Folks, of all the point-form discussions I’ve seen of what’s soon to come, this one from Telegram seems the best. There are many making the rounds at the moment. As always, I can’t guarantee the accuracy of the predictions. No word on the Reval. I’m going to add other lists if I find them […]
Chemtrails: Stopped or Not?
One of the reasons that it’s hard to say chemtrails have stopped or not is that the chemtrail technology is used for different applications. One that I suspect has been used in Canadian wildfires is spraying accelerants from airplanes, which use the Federation of Light confirms: Blossom: I have heard that chemtrails [planes] have dropped […]
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, May 12, 2023
12th May 2023. Mike Quinsey. Extract from an article by Uri Geller. A map discovered by Russian Archaeologists seems to prove that intelligent life visited Earth millions of years ago. A three-dimensional serial image was discovered by Professor Alexander Chuvyrov, in the mountains around Ufa, a city 60 miles east of the Urals, revealing a […]
Draconian Laws will be Repealed – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) As far back as 2008, which is the year I started studying Disclosure, Ker-on of Venus was telling us that “our allies [now the Earth or Q Alliance will] assist us. They are set up to bring the truth out, and also to rid you of the last cabal that […]
Our Family from the Stars (Download)
Half a dozen books on our star brothers and sisters have been rolled into one, Our Family from the Stars. It’s not only a compendium of articles on the galactic presence; if you think about it, it’s also a searchable database. I wish there was a more flexibly-searchable format than .pdf. But only .pdf’s are […]
How Does Our Star Family Experience Us Humans?
This article is originally from 2019, here edited and expanded. It’s on how a human being is experienced by our star family. Brace yourself. On Being Human May I share a few thoughts on how the galactics experience us, in their own words? Before I go there, can we establish the origin of the species […]
Exit Homo Sapiens; Enter Homo Universalis
I’m working on a book on timelines and, as always, different revelations and discoveries occur in the process. Many of them are on who Gaians are, who Gaia is, and what Planet Earth is. (1) To look at subjects like these, we have to leave “present” and “past” behind and talk about vast sweeps of […]
For the Newly-Arrived Reader – Part 2/4
Disclosure If you can forget everything you’ve ever been told about extraterrestrials and most of what Hollywood has shown you, it’d be better to understand the real picture. First of all, as Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self reports: “Your Universe is teeming with life at levels mostly in advance of your own.” (1) When Mike was […]
Ivo of Vega: Lightworker Mission Statement and Working with GFL While You’re Asleep
By Sharon Stewart As a lightworker, your task is to wake up, either gradually or quickly, to your role on this planet. You have come from another world or another dimension where you were embodied or not, to take the role of a human earthling of higher consciousness and to work along with the Galactic Federation […]
Lightworker User Manual: Introducing Our Star Family
(Continued from Feb. 12.) I’m willing to be that there will be many events and occurrences between now and our Ascension. However, none short of Ascension itself will probably compare with the arrival of our star family. That will be a time of huge celebration, especially by those who’ve maintained their knowledge that our galactic […]
What Will the Galactics Look Like?
I’d like to make a few comments here on how the galactics – or extraterrestrials – will appear, when we get a look at them with the Delegations. Most terrestrial sources represent them as being little Greys or Zeta Reticulans, like the illustration above. But will they really look like that? The galactics themselves tell […]
Who are We Lightworkers and Where Did We Come from? – Part 1/2
I’d like now to look at starseed lightworkers – who we are, where we’re from, what is our future, etc., according to our galactic and celestial sources. Let’s hear first from the newly-announced universal logos, (1) Sanat Kumara, on where we’re from: “Beloved friends, you have come from far and wide, from the angelic and […]
Who are We Lightworkers and Where Did We Come from? – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) Who is it that caused all this relocation from distant star systems? It’s the Divine Mother, of course, as she acknowledges here: “I have called you. I have called very specifically each and every one of you, and you have heeded my call…whether it has been clarion or a whisper…and […]
Hidden in Plain Sight
So many things that could only be explained by acknowledging our historic interaction with galactic civilizations. Hit graphic to watch video (httpss://
Enter the Delegations Revised and Expanded
Given that the delegations are already underway, Suzi Maresca and I have revised and expanded Enter the Delegations. This book joins Who are the Galactics? The Disclosure of Our Star Family and The Return of Our Ancestors: The Ascension Phase called “Disclosure” in disclosing the presence of our galactic family and neighbors and their attempts […]
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