If you can forget everything you’ve ever been told about extraterrestrials and most of what Hollywood has shown you, it’d be better to understand the real picture.
First of all, as Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self reports: “Your Universe is teeming with life at levels mostly in advance of your own.” (1)
When Mike was channeling SaLuSa, the latter had this to say about Earth and the teeming universe.
“The Universe is teeming with life and but for the protective barrier that encases your Earth, you would by now have openly met with many other civilisations.
“We also police your Solar System to keep out intruders and other Beings who are curious about your existence. In fact many still monitor your activities as your presence is attracting a lot of attention.
“As far as possible we have kept other Beings away from Earth, so as not to allow [interference] with your evolution. Those that are allowed to contact you are karmically involved with you and are largely responsible for assisting you through different stages of your cycle. (2)
Various civilizations have played a role in humanity’s evolution on Earth – the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, and Arcturians, to name a few. Matthew Ward describes them:
“Of the innumerable other civilizations in this universal family, many are advanced consciously, spiritually and technologically far beyond Earth’s current population. Members of some of those civilizations are the ancestors of Earth’s peoples, and they are assisting the populace and the planet in myriad ways—some are in spacecraft surrounding Earth; others are living among you.” (3)
They’re here collectively to help Earth through this milestone event – the first mass, physical Ascension in the universe. The first time a whole planet has been invited to ascend preserving the inhabitants’ physical bodies.
It’s said that the whole universe is watching Earth right now and this is why.
When peace has been restored to Earth, our star family will disclose their presence.
Even in my lifetime they’ve saved this planet from destruction numerous times, as Matthew Ward hints at, above. This world was fast being made uninhabitable because of the depleted uranium our weapons are releasing into the atmosphere. (4) The galactics removed it. (5)
They’ve moderated the impact and nullified the microchips of every pandemic and vaccine since AIDS. They’ve destroyed nuclear missiles mid-flight, redirected weather-warfare hurricanes, and moderated earthquakes and tsunamis, all while oberving the law of karma.
We need not fear them. It’s they who need fear us. Witness the fact that many inventions they gave us never made it to the public, free-energy devices being only the best known. We don’t keep our word and we harm extraterrestrials in flight and when we capture them.
Apparently even our physical presence can be challenging to them, says Mike Quinsey:
“Hitherto they have kept at a distance from you because your vibrations have been so low they would be unacceptable for them, but thankfully you now have the opportunity to lift yourselves up to a higher level.” (6)
Tomorrow I’d like to discuss the aspect of what’s happening we call “Accountability.” That will see a change of planetary management from the New World Order to We the People. And it will raise our vibrations, making it easier for the galactics to work with us.
(1) “A Message from My Higher Self,” channelled by Mike Quinsey. April 8, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/04/08/mike-quinsey-message-higher-self-18-4/.
(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 29, 2014.
(3) Matthew’s Message, May 15, 2019.
(4) See Steve Beckow, “Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran,” Sept. 3, 2007, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/depleted-uranium-weapons/du-why-we-must-not-go-to-war-with-iran/
(5) Steve Beckow: If the galactics had not neutralized depleted uranium, would this planet have died?
Archangel Michael: Yes. Now let me explain. It is not just that she would have died. It would have been that her will to continue on would not have been there.
SB: Wow, eh? That serious.
AAM: Yes, that serious. (Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, personal reading for Steve Beckow, August 6, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/haarp-chemtrails-and-depleted-uranium-all-neutralized-or-gone/.)
(6) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Jan. 29, 2021.