Some statements are so right on, they stop you in your tracks. The Arcturian Group said recently: “Compassion, service, and a growing awareness of the problems of others are the beginning steps that eventually lead every individual to a state of consciousness in which no one is left out, a consciousness that understands that no […]
The Destination is Worth the Rigor
When I think of Ascension as a journey up a mountain, I weep. Because for me, that’s how it’s seemed. I could have said pulling myself out of a swamp. Or crossing a desert. These are just images, but I feel so tired looking at the journey from this vantage point. It’s been a long […]
And Then, Another Bridge
I’m finding there comes a time when a bridge is crossed. It’s one of many bridges, one of them being Ascension itself. (1) And, like so much else, for the experience to flower, I have to consciously recognize what’s happening. I have to move from unconscious awareness of the thing in question to conscious awareness. […]
A Pandemic of Love
Wherein I frustrate myself trying to communicate love. Boy, lightworkers really straddle two worlds. On the one hand we’re aware of arson, drones, and directed energy weapons being used to start fires in California, Oregon, and Washington. On the other hand, we’re continuing to prepare by cleansing ourselves and dropping old paradigms that no longer […]
A World that Works for Everyone is a Synonym for the Fifth Dimension
I assert that a Fifth-Dimensional world is a world that works for everyone. I assert that an ascended world is a world that works for everyone. A world beyond mukti, moksha, or liberation is a world that works for everyone. The dead are alive and the living are dead. That proverb has so many levels […]
Realization and Ascension
Most people in the world do not know about Ascension. Most do not believe that we survive bodily death. Certainly most do not know that life has a purpose, a direction, a meaning. (1) What we believe determines the world we live in – and the world we don’t. Another way of saying that is […]
Bliss has a GPS of Its Own
I’ve been told that one of my jobs is to sort out tangles. (1) Can I work on one here and maybe have some fun doing it? There’s a really large and consequential tangle we human beings have around sex. We associate bliss with orgasm. (Honk!) Wrong! It’s true that the Mother designed life such […]
I Have It Now
I’d like to think of the higher form of love I rave on about as “heavenly” love. Why “heavenly”? To the ancient Christians, “heaven” was what we’d today call the higher dimensions; specifically, the “Fifth Dimension.” It was what followed what Jesus called Redemption, Resurrection, or Salvation, which we call Ascension. In our present state, […]
The Strongest of the Strong
Time for a change, a walk in the park, so to speak. There are many classic paths to enlightenment. I’d like to divide them into two general types: (A) Those that involve going inward and (B) those that involve going outward. Those that involve going inward include meditation proper, the awareness path (my chosen path), […]
Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
I’ve just come across notes I made in the middle of a powerful spiritual experience. Finding myself in an Ocean of Love apparently occurred on May 6, 2014. See “Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” May 6, 2014, at Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Life I’ve just had […]
The Kung Fu Nuns of Kathmandu
Editor’s note: This story was reported and photographed in January, before the global pandemic. The text has been updated to reflect the activities of the nuns aimed at COVID-19 prevention. By Windsor Johnson, July 5th, 2020, Goats and Soda Jigme Yeshe Lhamo squats in a powerful kung fu stance. As she raises her 18-inch […]
The Heart is a Portal
This seems to be a time for dissonance, insights, and breakthrough. The next few articles illustrate that. One seldom knows one’s in dissonance until it gets healed. I was in dissonance trying to shoehorn my knowledge of what happened during a fourth-chakra experience into what I know about fourth-chakra experiences in general. And I’ve always […]
SumOfUs: A Just Recovery
SumOfUs joined hundreds of organizations — from unions to grassroots groups — to co-create the Principles of a Just Recovery post COVID-19. In the midst of converging health, economic and climate crises, it is irresponsible to go back to a “normal”. “Normal” was widespread inequality, precarious work, climate inaction, environmental degradation and colonial violence. It’s […]
Galactic Core Spinal Column
Galactic Core Spinal Column by Judith Kusel We are going through intense upgrades as the pineal and pituitary glands, linking to the spinal column lightning rod and tuning fork are now being activated to the 5th and 7th dimensional frequency band. It is bringing immense cellular changes on all levels, as our lighter crystalline […]
We Seek the Best Feeling We Know of – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) But if you asked me what bliss is? Or what bliss itself feels like? I’d have to say I can’t find words for it. Can you tell me what water tastes like? Probably not, eh? In the same way I haven’t been able to say a word about how bliss […]