I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!
I spent mine reflecting a great deal. Please allow me to share some thoughts….
If we’re to join the intergalactic family of civilizations, (1) and I’m going on guesswork here, there’d be certain things that I think would be expected of us.
It would be expected that, when an extraterrestrial craft lands on Terra or Earth, they’d be landing on a planet in peace. If they saw a war in Ukraine, one in Israel/Gaza, and everyone facing off against each other in ships and planes – unless they came to help, I don’t think they’d land here at all. There’d be nothing to be gained.
Second of all, it’d have to be a planet that solved its problems around distribution. There can’t be the homeless and the happy – if there are very many who are genuinely happy these days, given the relentless attacks of the cabal (hurricanes, toxic vaccines, derailments, chemical spills, financial scams, drones, on and on).
There would need to be mutual respect for all beings as creatures of God embarked on the one same journey from God to God. (2) From a lack of consciousness of Self to full-blown Reunion and Oneness. (3)
A galactic civilization would not come to Earth, I believe, at least not for some purpose other than business, strictly conceived, as long as Earth’s people looked down upon people of a certain skin color or religion. For what reason? Since they are, for the most part, higher-dimensional, what have we to offer them on the one same journey that all of us are on?
Until we stop warring on each other, they’ll remain here as our teachers, hidden but accessible, whatever else they can accomplish.
They know about the journey. They’re teaching us about it to this day through their channeled messages. Some day their channeled messages will be studied at our universities.
We’ve all of us been extraterrestrial. I was last on Arcturus. But I’ve been on Earth before, fighting battles and writing books.
One could conceive of that as an extraterrestrial coming to Earth to pitch in. But we don’t usually think of ourselves that way. If you’re born on Earth, you’re a terrestrial.
Let’s forget for a moment that most extraterrestrials we’ll meet in the beginning will not remember having been born at all, the time will have been so long ago. And they won’t die. Just leave that aside with a few other disorienting facts.
Since I’ve actually experienced peace as a divine state, which, like love, is a world beyond its everyday counterpart, I’ve had a taste of what inner state they live in. It’s a blessing beyond words.
So if you add to that all our squabbles and self-serving bias, our focus on earthly pleasures and ignorance of the Self in us and others, we’re very fortunate to have the loving attention which our star family gives us. It must be a little like herding wild horses.
They clean up after our oil spills. They neutralize our chemtrails without tipping the deep state off that their weather-warfare weapon is not working. They redistribute the energy from earthquakes so they aren’t as devastating as they might be while still allowing Gaia to stretch. They prevent nuclear weapons from exploding. They will prevent world war because we have an Ascension to enjoy. Which is why we’re here and they’re here. And after which we’ll be a lot more like them. (4)
Coming to peace worldwide is something we do for us. But it’s also something we must do if we’re to join the intergalactic family of civilizations.
(1) On the subject generally, see Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-4.pdf
(2) See “Chapter 13. Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-5.pdf
See also “The One and Only Assignment, Lifetime after Lifetime,” May 11, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/05/11/the-one-and-only-assignment-lifetime-after-lifetime/
(3) And back out again to serve. See “Right Back Out Again!”
(4) See Our Family from the Stars, ibid.