As I said yesterday, every Christmas, I feel loneliness. Today, out of “being with” the vasana (or core issue) overnight, I refined the name of the emotion I feel. I now see it as dismay. (1) A vasana (2) is a complex of thoughts, feelings, and behavior, usually born of an original traumatic incident, which […]
The Really Difficult Issues in Life
I can almost hear someone say: OK, judgmentalness. That’s all fine and dandy, but is he willing to tackle the really difficult issues in life? Like loneliness at Christmastime? Yes, I am. I had a friend text me the other day: Hermit 1 to Hermit 2. That’s about it. Christmas is a time I can […]
Allowing Myself to Feel
I continue to allow myself to feel what arises, the residue of a vasana or core issue reactivated. As long-time readers know, I regard the re-activation of a vasana as a good thing. It’s only then that we can re-experience and complete the incomplete feelings at the heart of it. (1) Mostly we don’t share […]
Why am I Not Happy 100% of the Time?
I keep circling around the same puzzle, based on the same question: Why do I not feel happy all the time? Never mind any explanations or stories. I don’t care about the circumstances. Plain and simple: Why am I not happy 100% of the time? Happiness may not be your thing. Please substitute whatever you […]
Most Important Thing
Some ideas we return to again and again. They’re like Rubics cubes that we’re trying to solve. This idea is one of them. I’m becoming convinced that, though we often don’t know it and even might deny it, the most important thing to most humans is how we feel. It isn’t money. It isn’t travel. […]
I’m a Believer
Here it is a beautiful sunny Sunday. I’m sitting here saying to myself, you should go outside. I don’t want to go outside. I’m lying here waiting. But for what? After looking and looking, what I see inside is that I’m wanting to feel a certain way. That’s what I’m looking for. Not just being […]
That’s My Target
The Arcturians asked us to master every thought and feeling. I’d like to talk about mastering feelings for a moment. I watch myself and I see myself talking about things in a way that reflects how I feel – gloomy, depressed, elevated, happy. I “come from” the context of the feeling I’m presently experiencing. If […]
YOU are the Creator of Your Perceptions – The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
YOU are the Creator of Your Perceptions–The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie by email Your thoughts and emotions are becoming more and more balanced and in alignment with each other. In this manner you are creating clear thought forms regarding the reality you wish to live. Please remember that if your thoughts and emotions flow in […]
Sue Lie: My First Meeting with an Arcturian
Suzanne Lie (who earlier used the pen name Suzan Carroll) recounts her first meeting with Illuminata Emaculatas, IlliaEm, an Arcturian Elohim, as far back as 1995. What IlliaEm has to say is as relevant then as it is now: Release memories of past, issues, and resentments and rise into the higher dimensions. She says: As […]
Managing Our Own Space
If we were really honest and looked very closely, I think we’d find that a great deal of our time is spent managing our own space, our space bubble, our field of experience. We’re either annoyed with it or motivated by it. We’re either seeing to its demands or contemplating it. But we’re constantly paying […]
A Dread Vasana
Today I vowed to encounter a feeling that I seem to dread experiencing. I’d never named it. I didn’t know what in the past it was connected to. I noticed I had the thought that I’d rather die than fully experience it. Linda Dillon calls this a “core issue.” I call it a “root vasana.” […]
Adult Tasked with Regulating How I Feel
I haven’t been in an encounter group in decades. But the work I’m doing with myself to transition from sad to glad requires me to “work out” with myself now, rather than wait for occasions to work out with others. Journalling is a part of working out. This is both an Ascension journal (psychological) and […]