I just read someone saying “Free speech is the answer.” I get what they’re saying and what they mean by “free speech” is indeed the answer. But putting the matter quite that way is going to result in some confusion down the line. If Adolf Hitler were standing here saying “death to all Bolsheviks and […]
Who Knows Who is Real and Whom to Believe?
Well, depending on whom you believe, most of the political lights and Hollywood celebrities we see have left this veil of tears some time ago. Most political figures seem to have left for treason and crimes that it feeds into. Many in this category also were convicted of child sex crimes, torture, adrenochrome harvesting, […]
They Won’t be Able to Stand against the Tide of Affairs
A New York justice official has just admitted that all the charges brought against President Trump are simply designed to obstruct. In my country, his campaign director says Prime Minister Trudeau can’t win the next election. The EBS is said to have already gone off in some cities. The National Guard is reported to […]
Ending Up in Awe
Theories proliferate on whether the attempted assassination of President Trump is a dark-hat or a white-hat operation, or white hats assuming control of a dark-hat operation. I have nothing to add to that discussion, except that my loyalties are with the white hats no matter what twists and turns the plot takes. There is a […]
The Divine Mother on the Plan for the Reval
In late 2018, I had a reading with the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon and she gave a capsule history of what has happened with the Reval. Let me re-introduce that here. Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018. Steve: Mother, I think a lot of people […]
How Does the Mother’s Will Reach Us?
Answering a question about the Elohim has offered me an excuse to dive into the literature. That dive has produced this wonderful passage from the Mother on how the Divine Will, Command, or Inspiration – however you choose to view it – comes down from the Mother, through the archangels, seraphim, and elohim … and […]
Zoom Link for Wed, April 3rd, 6pm PST ~ The Journey Within, Lurion Clavicle Chakra, Part 5
**** ZOOM Class Wednesdays 6 pm PST / 9 pm EST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8567 0660859?pwd=Yzl2dXhuMW tmQnloS2hjcUowZ2xHdz09 Meeting ID: 856 7066 0859 Passcode: 389889 **** **** Dimensional Reality with Albert Einstein **** Heavenly Blessings The Blessing & Virtue of Truth with the Mighty Ones Meditation 5:30 Archangel Michael 11:04 Blue Flame of Truth for our Infinite Potential […]
What Life is All About
Sometimes I’m going to be wrestling with an issue that I’m not willing or able to discuss. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m in cognitive dissonance or inner turmoil around it. (If you’re thinking it’s you, it isn’t.) I’m wrestling with inner dissonance, the inner argument at the moment… … and I recognize […]
3 Videos, Deeper Understanding: Thousands of Deaths from Recreational Drugs Spiked with Fentanyl & the Divine Mother
Understanding the Fentanyl Crisis John Leake, Courageous Discourse, January 4, 2024 https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/understanding-the-fentanyl-crisis Austin Police Department veteran gives excellent overview Over the last year I’ve heard multiple stories of young people taking what they thought were recreational drugs—or pharmaceutical drugs for recreational purposes—that turned out to be spiked with fatal quantifies of fentanyl. Fentanyl is making […]
An Antidote to the Cabal
People take part in a march led by New Zealand political party Te Pati Maori to demonstrate against the incoming government and its policies, in Wellington, New Zealand, December 5, 2023. I apologize to Maori and other New Zealanders who are carrying the flag for Truth in this world right now. I don’t mean […]
Matthew Ward on the Master Plan for Earth’s Golden Age
There are powers in the higher dimensions that control events on Earth, and also ensure that the wishes of the people are upheld. (Mike Quinsey, July 8, 2016.) Matthew, can you tell us about the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age? Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Feb. 3, 2014, at https://www.matthewbooks.com. As one of the […]
One of the Best Moments in My Life
If you were to ask me if I’ve ever had a glorious moment, I’d have to say “yes” and point to a conversation I had with the Divine Mother after Xenia (Sept. 26, 2018). (1) I’d just experienced the sight of the Self and felt my own original innocence and purity. That’s backdrop. Now imagine […]
The Divine Mother’s Plan and Pattern
Tomorrow, I’d like to look at what I suggest is the relevance of the Divine Mother’s Plan and pattern to our future political discussions. Today, I need to do some preparatory work by going over that Plan and pattern with us so that tomorrow’s discussion doesn’t get overburdened. I assert that the Mother’s Plan, […]
How Do We Handle Depravity? – Part 3/3
(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.) Weathering the Storm Meanwhile, we have to weather the storm before discussing how to live at the experiential level. We’ve got to get through the emergency first. To do that, we need to release, express, give voice to our feelings. Scream into a pillow, write stream-of-consciousness, share with a […]
What’s the Way Out of Separative Consciousness?
I was searching for a quote from Archangel Michael and came across this magnificent discussion with the Divine Mother on the way out of separative consciousness. How privileged we are to have the chance to discuss these matters with Mother/Father One. Thank you, Linda. When I think of it, I am in awe. “The Divine […]
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