Matthew as a young man and his Mother and channel, Suzy Ward
There are powers in the higher dimensions that control events on Earth, and also ensure that the wishes of the people are upheld. (Mike Quinsey, July 8, 2016.)
Matthew, can you tell us about the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age?
Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Feb. 3, 2014, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.
As one of the highest universal council’s designers of the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age, I could give you firsthand information about it and also tell you that because some souls reneged on their agreement to join the light forces, your society’s progress was delayed by a decade. (1)
Matthew’s Message, Oct. 19, 2014.
The provisions of NESARA and all other facets of [the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age] were developed in the continuum, where what you think of as past, present and future is a series of simultaneous happenings; where souls’ evolutionary station is known by the amount of light they radiate and matching them up according to their interests, innate capabilities and necessary karmic experiencing can be easily arranged.
Always pre-birth agreements are made with unconditional love and designed to benefit every soul participating in the shared lifetime, and so it was with the council’s plan, albeit the most unusual and far-reaching ever devised. Never before in this universe had an entire civilization entered into an agreement whereby the vast majority would undertake such a monumental challenge: completing in only one lifetime all third density karmic lessons they needed to achieve balance and evolve spiritually and consciously into fourth density.
This unique opportunity attracted trillions of eager souls, far more than could enter Earth’s population, and those who were selected were apprised of every part of the plan. They knew that after birth they would not remember any of it, but inner guidance would keep them on track via soul-level messages to the consciousness—conscience, intuition, instinct, aspirations and inspirations—because this is true of every physical life. The stunning difference this time was, all participants knew that they would be helping to create in linear time a world that already exists in the continuum by virtue of Gaia’s manifestation. And, all felt certain that they would masterfully perform their chosen roles.
Nevertheless, in the council’s planning of a process unprecedented in speed and scope, they wisely took into account that some of the weaker souls might falter and welcome assistance in addition to the continuous in-beaming of light from distant civilizations, and the plan included several means to handle that contingency. Stronger souls who had shared lifetimes with weaker ones could take upon themselves a portion of those souls’ heavy karma; volunteers for those roles were in fourth or higher densities, and so were the energy healers, psychic intermediaries and receivers of telepathic communication, who would help in their respective ways.
A multitude of souls was needed to become way-showers and standard-bearers. Some would intuitively know the truth of information transmitted by messengers in the light and share it with all who were receptive; others would become active in various reform efforts or prepare for professions where they could influence positive changes; and some of the many souls who would exemplify the power of positive thoughts and feelings and the joy of living in godly ways would fill other roles, too.
Surely it is no surprise that you who have stayed steadfast in the light despite obstacles, disappointing setbacks and perhaps scornful disrespect are among the volunteers selected to fill one or more of those roles that have helped so many along their ascension pathway!