Releasing the Depression Dimension by the Elemental Kingdom We, the Elemental Kingdom are composed of numerous types of beings with diverse roles, together our purpose is to protect and safeguard the nature kingdom and Mother Earth. We are co-creators with the Creator of the Earth, nature kingdom, animal kingdom, mineral kingdom and in fact all aspects of […]
Though We’re Isolated, People are Talking to Each Other
The rumors are flying – Coronavirus will be short-lived; no, it won’t – There’ll be three days of darkness; no, there won’t – 5G lowers immunity and promotes susceptibility to a virus; no, it’s perfectly safe. If I could hold everything else constant and just run one variable and look at it (which of course […]
Jesus through John – Guidance from an Elder Brother
Engage with Love, and allow It to dissolve your fears and anxieties. March 16, 2020 by John Smallman Humanity is approaching a moment of change, a moment of enormous change, and as you all move forward through it there will be much uncertainty and disturbance. You know that God’s Love for every one of his […]
What is Spiritual Currency? Part 3/3
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.) All well and good. But what has all of this to do with the Reval and everything that falls out of it? Michael is adamant that what is being revalued that is of most importance is our spiritual currency; in other words, our own readiness, willingness, and ability to value […]
What is Spiritual Currency? Part 2/3
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) If we as a society have not reached a collective level of self-worth that allows the Reval to do any good, Michael says, heaven will not release the funds. In 2015, he observed that “there are so many that have not reached a place of self-worth that they were not […]
What is Spiritual Currency? Part 1/3
What is the difference between hard currency and spiritual currency? I think I can summarize it by saying that hard currency relates to our net worth and spiritual currency relates to our Self-worth. Spiritual currency is a metaphor the Company of Heaven uses to denote our inherent worth or Self-worth. Our failure to realize our […]
Remembering Our Divinity
Perhaps it is true we are all Souls having a human experience here on Earth and perhaps our only job is to evolve and grow spiritually in that awareness. Perhaps we have chosen or have been chosen to be a part of this NOW monumental moment in this great and auspicious time of our awakening […]
A Toast To The New Year And Nova Earth
A dear friend, a member of the Bellingham meet-up group, wrote this toast. I thought it was so beautiful I asked permission to share it here for all of us who consider ourselves members of the family at The Golden Age of Gaia. Let me propose a toast, as we come together in this sacred […]
Assisting Women and Children in Cabos San Lucas, Mexico December 3-10th, 2019, a group of us travelled with Kelly Oswald, owner of The Oracle, and her husband, James, to the tip of the Baja Peninsula, Cabos San Lucas, Mexico. Kelly’s friend, Adriana, helped chaperone us as we visited foundations assisting beautiful women and children living in poverty and often violence. We participated in […]
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, December 13, 2019
13th December 2019. Mike Quinsey. As we rapidly approach the New Year the pressure is building up on the authorities to officially announce the presence of ET’s on Earth who have bases underground. They have been in existence for many years and their spacecraft have been regularly seen in your skies. First Contact was made […]
800 Jews, Christians, Muslims sing ‘One Love’ in Jerusalem (2018)
Thanks to Len. A good reminder from 2018 that brought tears to my eyes. 800 Jews, Christians, Muslims sing ‘One Love’ in Jerusalem Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel21C, July 8, 2018 At five minutes to midnight on June 14, 2018, about 800 people waited to enter Jerusalem’s Tower of David Museum. Jews, Muslims and Christians, […]
The Exploration of the Divine States
I’d like to continue the discussion we’ve been having about the divine states. We may find that we have to rewrite, relearn, and reprogram the way we “be with” them. In my experience, they need to be recognized to be fully experienced. It’d be as if bliss, love, peace, mastery, abundance, etc., were people passing […]
Encore: The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans – Part 1/2
I come across many really apt expressions of things in the course of researching other topics. This discussion by the Mother from 2014 is an excellent overview of our universally-unprecedented Ascension – its significance, its newness, its design. I came across it in researching cross-cultural spirituality. Since I seem to be coming so regularly on […]
An Association Between the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension?
Is there an association between the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension? The Company of Heaven says there is. Archangel Michael explained in 2015: Archangel Michael: Disclosure is very close and it is already underway. Understand that this is in tandem also with the reconstitution, the Revaluation, the entire shift in what you think of as the […]
Marianne Williamson: Capitalism with a Conscience Marianne Willliamson with Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley, May 4, 2019 (Transcript/Notes) Every public issue will ultimately get to your private door. . . there’s no religious or spiritual path that gives us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings.. . . the world is too connected. So when you’re living […]