A Message From John By John Smallman on August 1, 2024 I am replying here to an email (below) that I recently received from one of the many who listen to or read the messages that I post from Jesus and Saul, in order to offer a partial explanation of what is going on with […]
Jesus: Humanity’s Well-established but Insane Need to be Right must be Discarded
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/ (Sorry, no audio, I’ve just changed computers and I have not yet found the way to record and add the audio.) Here in the non-physical realms we are all waiting joyfully for humanity’s imminent collective awakening. Many of you who have been waiting expectantly for years are beginning to doubt and […]
Saul Through John: Pure Beingness Empowers your Infinite Creative Abilities
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ The divine energy – LOVE, All that exists – is extremely powerful and heartfelt, and many who have not felt it before are beginning to do so now as it intensifies during the present Easter and Pentecost season. This divine energy, in which all are enveloped, is beautifully adjusted […]
Jesus: Easter Message
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/ Each one of you has enormous power – the Power of God. All is well! You are all divine beings eternally and inseparably at One with Mother/Father/God, who are presently experiencing an unreal state that you invented with your extremely creative mind. It appears to you to be utterly real, […]
Saul Through John: You Are Eternally Loved
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ As worldwide the chaos and conflicts appear to be increasing and intensifying, make sure to allow yourselves more time each day for quiet moments in the Presence of God. You are always there, in His divine Presence, because separation never happened, and never could happen, but you are easily […]
Jesus: Awareness of your True Divine Nature will Envelop and Embrace You
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/ March 15, 2024 by John Smallman As you all continue to focus on inviting the Love of God to fill your hearts daily, and then allowing yourselves to feel and enjoy It, be aware that your numbers are increasing massively every day. Love is inundating Planet Earth and every sentient being […]
Saul Through John: Invite Love, God, to Fill your Hearts
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ Signs of your collective awakening are arising all across the world as the old systems of authoritarian organization and control, to which you have been subject for millennia, continue to fall apart. People everywhere are starting to lay claim to their individual God-given divine sovereignty, and this of course […]
Jesus via John: Eternal Union with God is the Only Reality
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2024/03/03/eternal-union-with-god-is-the-only-reality/ Here in the non physical realms we are watching with awe as every day more and more humans choose to open their hearts fully to Love, their true nature. This is changing the world most positively and very rapidly, as you start to learn that the only way forward, […]
Saul Through John: Only God knows You and Understands You well enough to Judge You
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ As humanity’s collective awakening draws ever closer – and I know you have all heard this before, so bear with me a moment as we get started – prepare yourselves for a most magnificent change in the way you all interact with one another, either one on one or […]
Jesus: Love is Incapable of Anything but Love
by John Smallman johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2024/02/17/love-is-incapable-of-anything-but-love/ We are all One. There is only that One – God – and yet that Oneness also experiences individuality and differentiation of Itself through each and everyone of us because He, our most Holy and Loving Father, gave us complete and utter freedom and personal and inviolable Sovereignty when […]
Saul Through John: When you Express only Love you are Unified with Mother/Father/God
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ What you see in the world around you right now are major indications of your collective awakening. The disclosure of massive deceit, conflict, and corruption on a global scale is making it impossible for anyone to remain unaware of the need for enormous changes in the way in which […]
Jesus Through John: Allow Yourselves to Cease Clinging to any Sense of Unworthiness
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ Steve: This is a keeper. I agree with everything Jesus says here. Allow yourselves to cease clinging to any sense of unworthiness. Love is not something for which you need to seek because It is what you are! However, as humans in form, it appears to you that it is […]
Saul Through John: Love is Gentle! It does Not Scream or Shout
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ Humanity’s journey towards awakening continues to make exceptional progress, as it continues to align with and follow the plan that Mother/Father/God set in motion to help you all to to awaken fully to the only Reality – LOVE – even though it appears to many of you that things are […]
Jesus Through John: In Every Moment You are Freely making Choices
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ We are ALL ONE! Separation is a dream or a nightmare, depending on how you choose to experience it, and, of course, it is unreal. Separation from Source, Mother/Father/God can never happen, has never happened, could never happen because there is only ONE state of Being, and that is […]
Saul Through John: Enormous Prospects and Opportunities for Joy will open up Before You.
by John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ As the new year of 2024 starts to unfold, many of you are expecting and hoping for some wonderful changes to arise in the way that humans interact with one another as individuals, as families, in social communities, in the work place, and as nations. You will not be disappointed, […]
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