www.voiceoffreedom.ca Compassion is non-judgement and especially when we understand and see the reflections, the outer life situations of our life choices. Self-compassion is kindness to self, value of self, and self-worth. My inner value, my self-worth creates my outer situations just as the Universal Law of Balance states: as within so without. *** How do […]
We Are the Holy Grail: Kindness is Forgiving Everything
www.voiceoffreedom.ca The courage to let go and forgive our selves for the old ways within, creates the New without, societies that operate based on kindness. I have often wondered why there is so much drama, from personal to global. When I look within to see how I am treating my self, I see that reflection in […]
The Importance of Our Vibrations – Part 1/2
httpss://awakeningspark.com/blog/the-importance-of-our-vibrations-part-12 I just had a very interesting conversation pertaining to the Reval and our role as Lightworkers in bringing it into fruition. I think some of the points I made are worth noting here as a primer on the importance of our vibrations. Our collective vibrations, our collective focus has been used for decades by the […]
We Are the Holy Grail: I’m Sorry and I Love You
www.voiceoffreedom.ca In the interconnectedness of everything we are One, we are Love. But what does that mean? How do we do everything with LOVE? Can every thought and every action be done with LOVE? As we become more conscious — more heart conscious of every thought, feeling and action — we come to understand that […]
We Are the Holy Grail: 13 Posts to Valentine’s 2019 for Peace on Gaia
www.voiceoffreedom.ca On February 2, 2015, Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, gave us a meditation called, Plea for Peace Now. In it he asked us to co-create with him Peace on Earth, saying we can do this, all of us, together by Valentine’s Day. He didn’t say which Valentine’s Day […]
On Raising Our Vibrations
Anyone who has been following Golden Age of Gaia these past few days will recognise the theme of raising our vibrations as being prominent. Whilst this is presented as being important to the Reval, in the greater context it is paramount to Ascension. After all, what is Ascension but the increase in our frequency (vibrations) […]
Increased Frequency, Expanding Vibrations: How Ancient Sites & Rejuvenation Align with Love!
www.voiceoffreedom.ca The Mother is encouraging us to bask in the gentle waves, gentle vibrations, the renewed resurgence of Her Tsunami of Love. When we surrender to Love — reassure our egos — we relax, and the vibrations in our fields expand with the increased frequency of the energies being sent to us. Ashira helped us […]
Expanding our Vibrations using Infinity Energy Raises the Frequency of Humanity
www.voiceoffreedom.ca Understanding and knowing is connected to expanding our vibrations and raising the frequency. Expansion of our understanding of how things work in the higher realms deepens the knowing in our hearts. Expand and anchor. Expand and anchor. Our Love of self, and for all experiences with feminine energy and masculine energy — Love for […]
How Things Work in the Higher Realms: Greater Awakening
httpss://voiceoffreedom.ca/how-things-work-in-the-higher-realms-greater-awakening/ Things can seem chaotic on this beautiful planet with flooding and the wildfires, refugees and the opioid crisis in different areas. With greater awakening within — change, transmutation, and elimination of the old ways of being, the beliefs and issues — we see that inner change, in reflections of perceived chaos, without. From creative […]
Man Tired of Negative News from 2017 Posts Positive Things that Happened This Year
Posted By James, Bored Panda httpss://www.boredpanda.com/positive-stories-2017-jacob-atkins/ Bad news sells. We all know that there is a negativity bias in the media, with things like polarizing politics, terrorism, crime and war being the headlines, while positive, feel-good stories usually get a patronizingly off-the-cuff mention at the end. Is this an agenda of the media? Or merely […]
From Clearing to Consciousness Raising
Up till now, we as a conscious body of lightworkers have been engaged primarily in clearing. It’s been the hard work of allowing the knots in our consciousness, which ultimately show up as knots in our bodies, to work their way into our awareness, be experienced and be released. Primarily where we’ve been working is […]
The Importance of Raising Vibrations to Ascension – Part 2/2
(Continued from Part 1) (This section of the article remains unrevised.) These rising vibrations are preparing our physical bodies for Ascension. Another way of speaking about the refinement involved in ”raising our vibrations” is to call it a “quickening.” SaLuSa tells us that the rising energies are regenerating our body cells as we move into […]
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