The courage to let go and forgive our selves for the old ways within, creates the New without, societies that operate based on kindness.
I have often wondered why there is so much drama, from personal to global.
When I look within to see how I am treating my self, I see that reflection in the without.
When we treat our self with kindness, forgive our self at every opportunity for feeling unworthy and unloveable, have the courage to be grateful when life is not easy, we see drama and the disarray diminish. Our perception can shift.
I have found serenity within comes with forgiveness of everything and gratitude for everything .
Amidst chaos we contribute to the creation of peace and calm with our compassion, non-judgement, and detachment from the old ways of being.
Forgiving our selves for feeling less than, unworthy, unloveable or a disappointment, and embracing our wholeness in gratitude — the Divine Perfection, the holy grail that we are — is heart consciousness and our joy.
Love is a feeling and like attracts like.
Love within creates Love without.
Forgiveness of every feeling not of love, and being in gratitude, opens the mind, the heart, the will to Love, to what Divine Right Alignment feels like on an everyday basis, sacred purpose, balance, serenity, and gender equality.