Writer’s Corner
by Randal Gross
When I go through my day and I am suddenly overwhelmed by the World, I find myself saying, almost as if I am channeling my higher self, “Just Keep Going.”
When I hear about someone’s marriage breaking up, I cannot relate because I have never been married. However, it does call to my mind all of the friends and family who have drifted out of my life and I cannot find them now. I think of my unsuccessful search for community ever since I spiritually graduated out of my church. It all reminds me that not everyone plans to go onto the New Earth.
When I hear of someone losing their home or possessions, as tragic as that is, I think of how we should be releasing our attachments to the 3rd Dimension. I purged my home thoroughly last year. Now I appreciate more what I have left and am not preoccupied with shopping.
When I hear of Disclosure being imminent, I think, “That was supposed to happen early last year, and before that, Obama was going to be the disclosure president, so was Clinton before him!” Then I let those thoughts just evaporate as I become aware of the Now moment again and I just keep going.
When I hear news of the RV/GCR “coming soon,” my mind thinks back to how many times I have heard that over the past five years and how thankful I am that I didn’t learn about it sooner. Now I think, “Won’t that be nice! But I can’t expect a savior, so I have to just keep going.”
When I look up at the blue sky, I ask it, “Why aren’t you multi-colored yet?” and then I let the thought go, like smoke in the wind. I accept that Ascension hasn’t happened yet and tell myself, “Just keep going.”
Sometimes I ponder those who channel messages, and I imagine the euphoria, the bliss and the awe they might feel with the energy coming through them, the visions they may see, and then their drive to share it with the world. I wonder how they feel when the backlash hits and they hear, “We’ve heard it all before. Many times! For many years! Stop telling us that and tell us something new! Give us some news! Give us facts! Give us a firm timetable!” I can imagine how crushing that must be to them, having been to the top of the mountain. and I think that they too tell themselves, “Just keep going.”
I wonder, what if I die before Disclosure, before the RV/GCR, before Ascension, and I try to imagine the feeling of expansiveness of being back on the other side again, looking back at the world that I just left behind.
Maybe I’d be able to see the future timeline probabilities for myself and see what most of us right now can’t see. Would I try to encourage everyone still on the planet, shouting across the Veil, “Just Keep Going!” even though they probably wouldn’t hear me?
I want to believe in Ascension, the worldwide raising of consciousness, World Peace, cooperation and acceptance among everyone, new technologies, and no need for money! I want to welcome our star families, see Gaia healed, and the world in 5D!
I see stories of change starting in the news. I notice it in my neighborhood and on the internet, and it gives me hope. Idealized visions of a better life, especially during hard times have always been what enabled every generation before us to just keep going.
In my life I have often had to find another way, ask for help, or just stop and look at things differently: look for joy, for beauty, and appreciate them. I stay in the present with what I have to do now.
I touch and talk to my plants, admiring them growing so well. I am thankful when my furnace starts up, when the taps run, when things work. I do random acts of secret kindness and notice when someone does the same for me.
I take care of myself the best that I can, but sometimes, all that any of us can do is Just Keep Going.