Understanding and knowing is connected to expanding our vibrations and raising the frequency.
Expansion of our understanding of how things work in the higher realms deepens the knowing in our hearts.
Expand and anchor. Expand and anchor.
Our Love of self, and for all experiences with feminine energy and masculine energy — Love for parents, siblings, relatives, friends, animals, all situations, everything in the past — creates balance within and without.
As within so without.
Love is forgiveness of everything, non-judgement of everything, and gratitude for our experiences.
In this state of being within,
in heart-felt gratitude for everything,
our vibrations expand and the frequency of humanity rises.
According to the teachings of the Council of Love (1), the blessing and virtue of compassion is ability to observe, within and without, all emotions and situations with non-judgement, and to hold the highest vision for self, situations, humanity.
The teachings also say when we send compassion we create miracles.
The colours of compassion are red, emerald green and magenta (that perfect blend of red and blue).
Here is an exercise I do sending
emerald green compassion:
Sending compassion as Infinite energy,
from our heart space — the stillpoint — the middle,
from self to another or to a situation,
is a way to send Love.
When we send Love
we expand vibrations
and raise the frequency.
With Infinite energy
the Love comes back
expanding understandings and
anchoring greater knowing with our receiving,
remembrance of how things work in the higher realms,
(for)giving and receiving Love,
creating balance.
Balance is gratitude for gender equality,
the Mother/Father One – Oneness.
When we can forgive everything, all situations masculine and feminine from childhood trauma to everyday situations, we balance within.
Forgiveness is non-judgement.
I forgive my self for not experiencing
and expressing my self as Divine.
Compassion is non-judgement.
My principle guide told me through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistake humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
Forgiving everything with non-judgement allows our emotional body and the mental body, the old brain patterns, to relax, and for us to feel gratitude for this entire journey with Gaia, the ups, the downs, the good, the bad, the ugly.
With Love for everything,
there is simply ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance.
We eliminate all lack of self-worth and lack of self-love with Love, forgiveness, non-judgement and gratitude.
As systems busters, we are here to eliminate all the belief systems of lack: the bigotry, racism, hatred, judgement, limitation, separation anxiety, control, guilt.
Doing this we e x p a n d our vibrations,
raising the frequency of humanity.
We are balance within and
we balance without.
As Within So Without
(1) “Buddha Discusses Compassion, the 7th in Our Series of the Blessings and Virtues…,” March 22, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, https://counciloflove.com/2013/03/buddha-discusses-compassion-the-7th-in-our-series-of-the-13-blessings-and-virtues/