Can you tell us about the nature of the envelopes please? Federation of Light: These Envelopes are entrusted to your soul’s keeping. Inside each one, are instructions. We have used the word ‘orders’ in the past, yet, we would say that no one is ordering you to do anything. It is your choice to comply […]
Mysterious Monoliths are Appearing across the World
Steve: See today’s accompanying article (below) on the nature and function of the monoliths. Evidently they play a role in the Ring of Fire, also known as the Wave of Love, solar flare, Event, etc. Mysterious monoliths are appearing across the world. Here’s what we know. We don’t know where the mysterious monoliths come from. […]
Energy Update – How are You Feeling?
Thanks to Len. In this short video, Shelia Hill, an Intuitive, talks about what many are feeling at this time. You might feel a bit of relief knowing you are experiencing the same things.
Ring of Fire on Christmas Day 2023?
I see that some intel gurus are predicting that the emergency broadcasts will start on Friday, Dec. 15. If that were the case, and the EBS spanned ten days, that would make its end be Christmas Day, Dec. 25. I predict that the Ring of Fire will occur at the end of the ten days […]
Ever-Intensifying Light
In April, Matthew Ward said: “It is due to ever-intensifying light that you are seeing more and more citizenries revolting against their governments’ dark policies; a crack in the banking system; and some individuals publicly connecting the economic dots of covid-19 lockdown, tests, vaccines and falsified statistics. “It is due to ever-intensifying light that you […]
How My Life Unfolds
I’m observing my machinery, my inner mental workings, the way I have things hooked up. I see that what I do is I read something, see it or experience it and, from long years of practice, match it to higher and higher levels of standards to see if it’s a general phenomenon or a specific; […]
Bob Jackiewicz: There’s a New Kid in Town
There’s a New Kid in Town By Bob Jackiewicz Self-discovery and alignment. Two themes that have lately arrived on the scene. In all fairness, they’ve always been present. What’s new about these themes? It’s the direction they’re taking. Self-discovery is part of the human evolutionary process. Energetically aligning with discoveries moves us along the path […]
Adama of Telos: Higher Chakra Upgrades
by Asara Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. At this time, you are receiving a ten times more intensified energy upgrade to your higher chakras, as the Grand Shift for planet Earth is accelerating rapidly. […]
Peace is Our Destiny – Part 1/2
I can’t regard what’s happening in the world as theater because people are dying – on all “sides.” James Gilliland put the matter well: “Self-righteousness that stems from spiritual ego or narcissism is usually an attribute of the leaders of division. They will gather as many people around them to validate their position [as possible] […]
Peace is Our Destiny – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) The way of the future is peace. If Ascension is our destiny, then peace will automatically reign. There’s no reason for war on the Fifth Dimension. One has all that one wants. The folks still clinging to the belief that war will ensure that they achieve their ends won’t be […]
Council of Light: Dark Into Light
by Rebecca Couch Beloveds, These are the days that you have been anticipating forever! Who would have thought that they are upon you now…are you ready? Being ready is a state of mind of course, which is a neutral willingness to become all that you are meant to be. The time is now. The […]
Let the Carnival Begin!
June 25, 2021 The mask that burns like a violin, the mask that sings only dead languages, that loves the destruction of being put on… the mask with a sutured mouth, a moonface, with a healed gash that means harvest. A glower that hides wanting… ~Rebecca Lindenberg, Carnival On the “reopening” of California… The […]
Up-Leveling Consciousness
When I try to get my head around the scope and scale of the operation underway to end the cabal’s rule on this planet, my head swims. There’s never been anything like it. It’s taking place on, above, and below the Earth. It’s involving most of the nations of the world. It’s been meticulously planned […]
Anchoring In
June 10, 2021 A noiseless patient spider… It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself, Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them. And you O my soul where you stand… Till the bridge you will need be form’d, till the ductile anchor hold, Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul. […]
We’re the Newsmakers Now
OK, OK, OK, so we’re days, weeks, months away from that statement being absolutely and tangibly true. But the point I want to make is that it won’t become true until we make it real as a context and begin to live from it. I assert that lightworkers are in fact the newsmakers, even now, […]
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