OK, OK, OK, so we’re days, weeks, months away from that statement being absolutely and tangibly true.
But the point I want to make is that it won’t become true until we make it real as a context and begin to live from it.
I assert that lightworkers are in fact the newsmakers, even now, and just don’t know it.
That assertion is made on the basis of evidence that would never satisfy an empirical materialist so don’t even both trying to convince one. (1)
Not like I have any expertise in the area, but my understanding is that lightworkers are anchoring incredible amounts of love energy into Gaia.
We’re operating all manner of alternative social-media and business enterprises. We’re taking political and spiritual initiatives, leading protests, organizing petitions.
We’re impacting the collective consciousness big time, I’m willing to bet. And it takes only a small percentage of the global population to shift for the whole of society to shift, I’m led to believe.
And all that’s just before the Reval.
After the Reval, it’ll become much easier to come from the context that we are the newsmakers now. We are the pathfinders, the wayshowers, the trailblazers. Now I get that it may be somewhat of a stretch but get ready to forget about the cabal and start making news.
(1) An empirical materialist believes that only what can be seen, heard, touched, etc., is real.