Embracing Divine Love: A Message of Hope and Restoration
A Channeled Message from the Great Mother through Laura Smith Biswas
Beloved ones, I ask you to open your arms to receive the gift and blessing of my love in these turbulent times. Through this message I transmit to you my loving presence that you may know that you never walk alone even in the darkest of times. How could you when you are my own, my heart, my life, my creations?
Each one of you, no matter how insignificant you may feel at times in the face of things, are known, loved, and cared for by me. In moments like this, where there have been wholesale disasters, destruction and devastation in your lives, this is no different. For your innate beauty as my children is held in my constant view and vision. In this message, I transmit to you a gift of my blessing to remember and receive this, to invite you to trust me enough to feel for my presence next to you within your hearts, surrounding your being, at this time.
It is my deepest desire that you know this, that you are never feel abandoned, separated or removed from my presence and love. For in these turbulent times, this is needed most to assist you to find your way through the darkness, destruction, and into the rebuilding, and restoration of my beautiful planet Gaia. For my call is for there to be new ways of living, where all are in recognition of one another from a place of love. A place where balance is the rule of law. A place where harmony is the natural expression of your society. A place where the recognition that all are part of the one, is a common everyday reality.
So, while you face this challenging time, for some of you – grieving, suffering and rebuilding perhaps, invite me in and open your arms to receive a sense of deep presence of love around you, so that you may go on. And when you cannot go on, come home and rest in my love, in my arms and be held. For my compassion overflows, my tears fall upon Gaia for what she and all of you are experiencing. It is time for this to change, for Gaia’s natural blueprint of harmony and oneness of all living things to be expressed.
For while I have granted free will and offered you this treasured planet on which to express your own free will, it was never intended to be a place to live in destruction and darkness, but a place of joy. So I call you home to this joy – to find your way through what has been created around you, and despite this, to feel my love. Open your arms to receive my abundance in rebuilding a better world, one grounded in the honor of all life forms and the divine essence of all human beings.
This awakening and the recognition of who you truly are as my children, will guide you to create a way back. While you do so, my arms are wrapped around you in love, offering you every assistance you need. Turn and trust to offer me your hand. In your willingness to extend this trust, I will find a way to meet you through the loving concern of your human brothers and sisters around you in the tangible world. For your needs, no matter how small they are, are precious to me. Your feelings are my deepest concern, that you may journey through this crossroads to a better time in your lives. A time where my love and presence as the Creator is acknowledged by all, received and felt more and more every day amongst you.
As you feel my love, let it inspire you to care for one another. Let it guide you in the rebuilding of your communities and homes. Let your connection to me be your nourishment and sustenance in the days ahead. Turn to me in any way you wish – a cry for help, a written desire, a prayer for peace, a list of needs. Through your tears, I will receive and notice each and every request without condition. For you are my children, how could I not?
Feel within your center an activation of love, an invitation from me to open more fully into my presence. To be cared for in a new way, with trust that all things are possible to meet your needs even in times like this. I am ever watchful, present, and in deep, loving compassion for all you’re experiencing. I am holding my loving arms around your precious self in love.
I am the Great Mother