by Digger Barr
We exist. We know this and that makes us sentient beings.
That we even consider that we are sentient makes it so.
But how and why we exist is a spiritual question that has become either a religious or a scientific discussion.
We humans are sometimes slow and obstinate when it comes to opening our minds to change.
Allowing that there is simultaneously merit in both discussions doesn’t fit in most people’s wheelhouses.
That these two seemingly opposing approaches coexist, but that they may actually support each other requires a big shift in people’s thinking.
Answering the question in a spiritual manner one then gets to choose between a variety of religious and spiritual suggestions.
These suggestions are often formed from ancient manuscripts such as the Bible, The Quran or even more recent writings such as the Book of Mormon.
Some are created out of political, ethnic and geographical considerations such as Palestine, Islam and the Amish for example.
The Amish of course claim no political affiliation but are a sect of a larger religious doctrine, Christianity.
To remain unpolitical has become part of their belief system.
Depending on where you live and what family you are born into often determines what your beliefs will be.
Religious beliefs are handed down and there is a powerful expectation to follow what is taught leaving very little room for independent thought.
Religions exert strong rules of adherence that are designed to control.
Even the breaking from tradition that was done en masse by the Amish recently was keeping to the idea of a group mindset.
Science on the other hand seeks for answers through research and observation. Its methodologies allow for a large range of belief systems to be tested.
Where would we be without the world of physics to help us examine our existence?
“We exist” becomes the drive for countless research micro to the macro seeking as to how our existence came to be.
Multiple theories evolve that build upon previous research which builds on previous research.
Each theory is tested and either accepted or discarded based on provable or repeatable data.
However a form of control has been implemented through funding and who gets published
It has been monetized and politicized depending on certain agendas.
New data and accepted theories have changed a great deal of how we view the world over the years.
Gaining social acceptance of new findings that changes how we view our world is not always easy.
It takes time to gain the public’s trust when introducing new ideas.
Despite the interference and manipulation, the scientific world grows closer and closer to proving what we have historically considered a metaphysical existence.
There was an interesting development in astrophysics.
By testing the behavior of radiation and other such properties like gravitational pull, there was a discovery of dark matter.
Our galaxy has been observed being pulled toward a ‘dark’ area in space simply known as the Great Attractor.
The funny thing is that there is no proof of what that dark matter is.
The name itself is derived from what is actually hidden or invisible from view, it is in the dark.
Without light it cannot be seen and is only observable by the effect or behavior of celestial bodies surrounding it.
Sans having any light it then becomes known as dark.
This is the accepted scientific explanation. They don’t actually know.
The irony that science once based on purely observable evidence has now found itself acknowledging an energy of an unseen force.
This very much matches the approach that most religions already accept.
We are closing the gap even further with the Quantum entanglement theory.
I think the Quantum world is bringing about a connection between the secular and non-secular worlds.
Exploration of the cosmos has led us to realize our planet is part of a much bigger picture.
Quantum physics has opened up the microcosmic world of existence.
In this breaking down of elements to find the smallest common denominator they have found a whole new level of things that cannot be explained.
Previous levels of understanding have exploded into quarks and muons to ghost replications.
Levels of existence are revealed multidimensionally as we continue the search for knowing ourselves.
All this data has still fallen short of actually finding an explanation for our existence.
Science is in fact proving GOD exists but they cannot find God for it is not ‘observable or provable’.
Religions claim irrefutable proof of GOD but no one system agrees or is absolute.
Therefore how and why we exist remains an unanswered question.
Until an answer is empirically repeatable or there is a conclusive spiritual agreement there will not be a unified acceptable belief.
Unless perhaps we accept an answer in a completely different format.
Religion is deeply instilled into the psyche.
Secular thinking may be in response to this consumption.
Both repulse the other in opposition and thus both remain deeply entrenched.
Too many people believe they are right therefore others are wrong.
I believe there is a desire for people to become unified.
But I don’t think that is going to happen by challenging what each other believes.
We can accept each other.
But that doesn’t mean we have to accept the belief systems instilled upon us.
It needs to be what feels right to each individual and their freedom to choose.
In the meantime back at the ranch…
We are in the midst of learning a new way of being. We are being tasked to open our minds and open our hearts. And let go of what we thought we once knew.
We find ourselves in a world of chaos battling for what? Who is right and who is wrong? Victor takes the spoils.
I don’t think so. It is much bigger than that.
This is a changing of the guards. This is a step toward accepting our existence in the universe.
We are being bombarded with new realizations every day that the world is not what we thought it to be.
Our world concept is not what we thought or been told that it is.
Are we willing to accept that there is something more going on here ?
Accepting that there is something that we do not know or understand is very challenging to many.
We know that we exist.
Finding out how and why we exist is undergoing revolutionary ways of thinking.
A merging of spiritual exploration and scientific examination into a quantum way of understanding.
Can we as a species let go of our staunch religious doctrines?
Can we as a species accept that science may not provide a full explanation?
Can we accept that the answers may be different than we could have ever imagined?
Maybe just maybe we can then find the answer we have always been looking for.
By acknowledging that we exist gives us all that we need to claim our sovereign selves.
This alone breaks the chain of control put on us by governing bodies, political or religious.
We all, no matter where you are in the world, we all have the free-will to decide for ourselves the how and why of our existence.
This thought alone is the moment of liberation.
I am that I am. Let it be so.